san diego county government

New immigrant welcome center opens at Escondido

San Diego County, in its restless and sprawling way, has opened another Immigrant and Refugee Welcome Center, this time at Escondido. It’s a gesture steeped in good intentions, wrapped in the hopeful language of inclusion. Here, they say, the doors are open wide, no questions asked about where you came from or how you got here. They call it a place where people can seek…

COVID-19 testing trends up in SD County

Testing for the novel coronavirus which causes COVID-19 has been increasing in San Diego County. The number of daily total tests in the region exceeded 3,300 in four of the past five days. Yesterday, there was a decrease in the number of tests reported – 2,638 tests. Testing dips typically occur on Sundays. The decrease may be more pronounced with the three state sites, which…

Big Escondido city manager salary reveal and more came Wednesday (spoiler alert)

Time for the big reveal on Wednesday, Nov. 18. That’s when the Escondido City Council members unanimously approved, with no practical discussion, the new $234,719 annual base salary with an additional, and lucrative, benefits package and contract for newly hired city manager Graham Mitchell who assumes office Dec. 18. It’s the same as outgoing city manager Clay Phillips got in his last three-year contract although Mitchell…