puma valley

Zip, zip and away at La Jolla Zip Zoom

La Jolla Zip Zoom features longest zip line in California… Think rainforest canopy, or raging river below, Hawaii and Puerto Vallerta. How about Rotorua and Queensland, New Zealand and Rixos, Turkey? Then, think rubber tire tubes and the La Jolla Indian Campground. What do these exotic locales have in common with the campgrounds at the foot of Palomar Mountain. Zip lines, of course Tthese long…

Roosters seized and euthanized during Pauma Valley cockfighting sweep

Quail Drive was an unfortunately named location for the place where San Diego Sheriff’s swooped in on Sunday, Feb. 21 to break up an alleged cockfighting operation. The 18200 block of Quail Drive at Pauma Valley to be precise, and when the operation had ended, San Diego county Animal Services had seized nearly 100 rooster while euthanizing 183 birds. The property owner’s identity was not…