online digital journalism

On the virtue of supporting The Escondido Grapevine

Dear citizens and patrons of North County, consider this: what is the mark of a flourishing community but the free and unfettered exchange of truth, the illumination of events, and the celebration of voices too often left unheard? Since the year 2015, The Escondido Grapevine has embraced the noble calling to serve as this beacon of truth. We have labored to provide you with journalism…

Ketchup or PFAS with those fries?

Researchers Raise Concerns About Chemicals in Fast-Food Packaging As if cheeseburgers, fries and microwave popcorn weren’t enough of a dietary worry, now comes word that fast-food packaging is also a cause for concern. In a paper published last week, federal government and university researchers report finding chemicals from a suspect family of compounds in the wrappers and containers of one out of every three sandwiches, burgers, desserts…

Issa press spokesman Calvin Moore blows back on concept of ‘federal holiday’

Welcome to journalistic transparency. Here’s what goes on when it comes to the new Trump Republican Party dealing with information. Over two dozen 49th Congressional District voters went to Rep. Darrell Issa’s Vista office on Friday, Jan. 20 to deliver a letter protesting Donald Trump’s installation. While Issa staffers were at the office, they refused to open the locked door to accept the letter. Although Issa…

10,000 join San Marcos Women’s March

Ten thousand came when only 2,500 were expected. Women’s March North County San Diego quadrupled its expected number Saturday as an excited, and determined group marched from San Marcos Civic Center to Palomar College. A few early sprinkles and the unexpected numbers did nothing to dampen the mood at the free-wheeling people’s parade. Far exceeding expectations, the thousands of marchers overflowed Mission Avenue sidewalks spilling into…

Tale of the Toppled Hurler: A Peter Hartwell Story (Part 9)

Tale of the Toppled Hurler: A Peter Hartwell Story by Bruce A. Kauffman c 2017  All rights reserved. For full story to date, visit: Readers will recall that intrepid journalist Peter Hartwell was en route to a watery grave when Russell, the Fat Man’s partner, shows up, a girl in tow. The Fat Man, concerned about the presence of a witness, puts the brakes on…

Pickens continues fighting ‘black people food’ federal discrimination lawsuit

Lawyers for a former chef at Madeleine Pickens’ $1,650 per night, minimum 4-night stay, dude ranch south of Wells, Nevada have filed an amended complaint in U.S. District Court in Reno. They allege Pickens made racially discriminating remarks like asking him to cook “black people food.” The complaint filed this week meets the deadline imposed by U.S. District Judge Miranda Du, who dismissed Armand Appling’s original…

Practical Guide Resisting the Trump Agenda

While the incoming Trump administration is a national disgrace and disaster, unique opportunity exists in California’s 49th and 50th congressional districts represented by the notorious Darryl Issa and Duncan Hunter Jr. respectively. Secretary Robert Reich has re-posted the grass roots battle plan for resisting the Trump agenda, two of whose leading advocates are the infamous Issa and Hunter. Those wishing to form groups for the…