Tell mamaw, papaw; 8 indicted for grandparent fraud

Eight people were charged in a federal grand jury indictment unsealed recently, accused of participating in a criminal enterprise that has stolen millions of dollars from elderly victims in San Diego County and around the nation. The defendants swindled more than $2 million from 70-plus elderly victims across the nation, with at least 10 in San Diego County, by feeding them phony stories that their…

Wait, what? Hunter plea shows two pet bunnies flown on campaign fraud dollars

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Congressman Duncan D. Hunter Pleads Guilty to Stealing Campaign Funds Assistant U.S. Attorneys Emily W. Allen (619) 546-9738, W. Mark Conover (619) 546-6763 and Phillip L.B. Halpern (619) 546-6964 NEWS RELEASE SUMMARY – December 3, 2019 SAN DIEGO – U.S. Representative Duncan D. Hunter pleaded guilty in federal court today to the major count in his indictment, admitting…

One Hunter down, one to go in fraud scandal

Margaret Hunter, a co-defendant in a federal fraud case with her husband Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville), changed her plea to guilty Thursday at a change of plea hearing in front of U.S. District Court Judge Thomas J. Whelan, at the San Diego courthouse. The couple misused about $250,000 in campaign donations for personal expenses, according to Hunter. In one incident, Rep. Hunter planned on buying a pair of…

Escondido mosque arson investigation yields more questions than answers and a reward

Authorities said this week they had not ruled out anything when it comes to who started a small fire at Escondido’s Dar-ul-Arqam Mosque at 318 W. Sixth Ave. around 3:15 a.m. Sunday, March 24. Believed to be arson, a suspect reportedly left a note referring to the shootings Friday, March  15 that killed 50 people at mosques in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The fire…

Duncan Hunter goes full ‘Animal House’

Rep. Duncan Hunter Was Just Born Too Late, Now You Can’t Even Daydrink And Carouse And Steal All The Campaign $$$ Or Run Duncan Run… Say, remember last month when Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Vape Hut) said that weird thing about Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Never Convicted) maybe running for his seat if he was to BLOW UP IN THE AIR? “If I was to blow up…

No taxation without representation, Hunter

Spoiler alert. Rep, Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District), like his President idol (for now) Donald Trump should do everyone a favor and resign. Considering Hunter’s multiple transgressions, topped off by breaking the law by spending campaign finance $$$ for his, and his family’s, personal expenses, self-admitted by Hunter: The vape, on-the-take, Hunter managed to outdo himself last week. Hunter VOTED FOR THE GOP TAX PLAN…

Duncan Hunter aka ‘uberjaeger’ trolls web

(This is the first in a series of articles and editorials scheduled through 2018 drilling down into the behavior and alleged criminality of Rep. Duncan Hunter — R-50th Congressional District. As a public service, The Grapevine will be taking a more pro-active role in coming months examining Hunter’s activities and behavior.) (DUNCAN HUNTER #1) Fun with Duncan on the world wide web Welcome to the…

Duncan Hunter brings his kids to work for ‘Stealing from your Campaign Day’

“Father of the year” — Reprinted by permission from “Five Dollar Feminist” at Wonkette. For more from Wonkette visit the International Home of the Resistance. When God closes a door, he opens a window. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) knows this, because he is a Christian who loves Trump and hates gaybortions. For instance, Hunter tried to close the door on a Congressional investigation into…

Trump won’t recover from Russia with love

‘RussiaGate’ Has Become a Catastrophic Failure of Leadership — and a Debacle From Which the Trump Presidency Will Not Recover May 23, 2017 by Douglas Blackmon This post first appeared on BillMoyers.com. A version of this post first appeared on Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Douglas A. Blackmon’s Facebook page. A little more than a week ago, I said on CNN and wrote on Facebook that —…