
UCSD Study: Vaping does not help tobacco smokers quit

Researchers at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science and Moores Cancer Center at University of California San Diego have found that, among smokers in the United States, e-cigarette use does not increase smoking cessation and is actually associated with reduced tobacco abstinence. The findings, published March 5 in JAMA, refute the notion that e-cigarettes can help people quit, a common…

New local vape-related lung injury confirmed

A new local case of vaping-associated lung injury was confirmed on Wednesday, Jan. 8, by the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency. To date, 43 cases of vaping-associated lung injury have been reported among San Diego County residents, while an additional three cases are under investigation. While there have been no local deaths, all patients had to be hospitalized. “Vaping-related lung injuries continue…

Joe Camel wants to know: Why Is Juul Labs allowed to advertise e-cigarettes on TV?

Why does e-cigarette maker Juul advertise its product on TV when cigarette ads are banned? The short answer: Because it can. For nearly 50 years, cigarette advertising has been banned from TV and radio. But electronic cigarettes — those battery-operated devices that often resemble oversized USB flash drives with flavored nicotine “pods” that clip in on the end — aren’t addressed in the law. Since…

Duncan Hunter blows hard on vaping rules

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) this month has ducked constituents refusing to hold a town hall. He has been nowhere to be found to answer for his promise to vote for the Republican tax bill raising taxes on the people he pretends to represent. However, the self-admitted spender of campaign funds for personal expenses now under federal criminal investigation for spending campaign funds for…

Hunter vamping vaping legislation

Fighting a campaign finance criminal investigation, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) still has time, apparently, to battle for a vice he loves: Vaping. Hunter introduced legislation Thursday to roll back current regulations treating electronic cigarettes the same as tobacco products. Titled the Cigarette Smoking Reduction & Electronic Vapor Alternatives Act, HR 2194, Hunter’s ode to vaping, would undo the Obama administration’s “Deeming Rule” that put…