Donald Trump

Duncan Hunter brings his kids to work for ‘Stealing from your Campaign Day’

“Father of the year” — Reprinted by permission from “Five Dollar Feminist” at Wonkette. For more from Wonkette visit the International Home of the Resistance. When God closes a door, he opens a window. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) knows this, because he is a Christian who loves Trump and hates gaybortions. For instance, Hunter tried to close the door on a Congressional investigation into…

Issa lies about eugenics event attendance

eu·gen·ics yo͞oˈjeniks/ noun: Science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis. Last week, as President Trump and many congressional Republicans prevaricated on the events in Charlottesville and sought to justify the…

Analyzing Trump for sanity’s sake

Analyzing Trump for sanity’s sake is a product of innewsource, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization based at San Diego State University providing readers with the most authoritative and in-depth stories. Used by permission. For more, visit It’s no secret Donald Trump is an unusual president, one whose late night tweets, comments and vitriol have prompted some to question his sanity. All that noise has led…

San Diego on collision course with Trump

If you wish to inspect the front lines of the conflict between Donald Trump and California, head for San Diego. Yes, it’s true that the Golden State’s fight against the president has so far taken place in the courts and in cyberspace. And, sure, challenging The Donald’s legitimacy is not a mere local pastime but an all-consuming statewide prizefight. But as a matter of geography,…

Brown re-affirms state climate commitment

California Gov. Jerry Brown Thursday excoriated President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. “Donald Trump has absolutely chosen the wrong course,” Brown said. “He’s wrong on the facts. America’s economy is boosted by following the Paris Agreement. He’s wrong on the science. Totally wrong. California will resist this misguided and insane course of action. Trump is AWOL but California is…

Issa freaks out at Vista district office

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-49th District) on Tuesday confronted protestors at his Vista office, then climbed on the roof of his district office building and shot pictures of what was called the largest demonstration yet against his activities and policies in the embattled congressional district. He also reportedly threatened a reporter for being an alleged “operative” for his opponents. This came on the heels of Issa giving supporters…

Issa schedules 1-hour sham town hall

This round-up written by Doug Porter, Ocean Beach alternative press legend, and first appeared May 24 at San Diego Free Press. For more, visit UPDATED: A fun trip through the mind of Issa’s press flack… By Doug Porter Nobody has ever accused Darrell Issa of being stupid. After initially promising a town hall for constituents on May 31st, the 49th District Congressman has announced a one-hour…

Duncan Duane Hunter town hall (annotated)

This is an annotated version of Duncan Duane Hunter’s March 11 town hall keyed to Bethany Amborn’s video posted on Facebook. It’s not a complete transcript — but it’s close — done in academic transcript form using oral history techniques. Commentary is indicated by italics within brackets. Other breaks in the transcript, but pertaining to the town hall verbiage, is indicated in parenthesis. Approximate time…

Duncan Duane Hunter’s town hall from hell

Deep state. Thousands of Obama appointees trying to take down Donald Trump from the inside as part of an Orwellian government that controls us. An intelligence community, FBI and Department of Justice “that have been infiltrated by seditious Obama folks that want to go after the President.” Or how about defending Judeo-Christian values that we have in this country. And then there’s “The Hunter Plan”…

Hunter to Issa to Sessions to Russia

Needless to say, perhaps, fervent Donald Trump supporters and fellow Republican congressmen under the microscope Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) and Darrell Issa (R-49th District) came out swinging today on the Russian field of play. Just from different sides of the plate. Hunter told the Los Angeles Times that the Democrats were engaging in a political “Witch Hunt” against Donald Trump and friends while Attorney General…