Donald Trump

No taxation without representation, Hunter

Spoiler alert. Rep, Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District), like his President idol (for now) Donald Trump should do everyone a favor and resign. Considering Hunter’s multiple transgressions, topped off by breaking the law by spending campaign finance $$$ for his, and his family’s, personal expenses, self-admitted by Hunter: The vape, on-the-take, Hunter managed to outdo himself last week. Hunter VOTED FOR THE GOP TAX PLAN…

Anti-wall protestors blast police inaction

(Editor’s Note: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th congressional District) and other far right-wing Trump Border Wall adherents held a rally Saturday, Dec. 9 at the Otay Mesa site of wall prototypes. At the event, right-wing activists attacked the protestors. Here is an account from protestors about the violence and police actions there. During his speech, Hunter repeated discredited claims he has made in the past that…

End Citizens United begins GOP ditch drive

A major democratic political action organization that’s working to get big money and all of the temptation it offers out of politics recently released a list of 20 Republican Congress members that it intends to target next year. The organization on attack is End Citizens United, and it is calling its targeted Congress members the “Big Money 20.” A Group that Favors Its Special Interest…

Duncan Hunter is about to meet his match

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) has been a walking horror show for years, and generations if one harkens back to his dad from whom he “inherited” the once-safe Republican congressional seat. Hunter and his mentor, President Trump, actually have a lot in common. They’re blowhards. They’re caught somewhere between ineffective and impotent. They shill. They lie. They’re under federal investigation and probable indictment. Every…

Duncan Hunter aka ‘uberjaeger’ trolls web

(This is the first in a series of articles and editorials scheduled through 2018 drilling down into the behavior and alleged criminality of Rep. Duncan Hunter — R-50th Congressional District. As a public service, The Grapevine will be taking a more pro-active role in coming months examining Hunter’s activities and behavior.) (DUNCAN HUNTER #1) Fun with Duncan on the world wide web Welcome to the…

Trump targets Issa, the last Cal Republicans

It’s hard to know exactly what shape Republican “tax reform” will take. Many details are missing from the “framework” that the administration presented last month. (Describing actions, or promises of action, by the Donald Trump administration often necessitates the use of quotation marks.) But it must have seemed a good idea to someone to complement Trump’s culture war against liberals with a fiscal war. The…

Cal ACLU blasts Trump DACA sham

Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced President Trump’s intent to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and in doing so, he has callously reneged on the government’s commitment to hundreds of thousands of American youth. The DACA program is a critical lifeline for nearly 800,000 young immigrants who came to this country as children. For most, the United States is the only…

Duncan Hunter brings his kids to work for ‘Stealing from your Campaign Day’

“Father of the year” — Reprinted by permission from “Five Dollar Feminist” at Wonkette. For more from Wonkette visit the International Home of the Resistance. When God closes a door, he opens a window. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) knows this, because he is a Christian who loves Trump and hates gaybortions. For instance, Hunter tried to close the door on a Congressional investigation into…

Issa lies about eugenics event attendance

eu·gen·ics yo͞oˈjeniks/ noun: Science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis. Last week, as President Trump and many congressional Republicans prevaricated on the events in Charlottesville and sought to justify the…