Donald Trump

One Hunter down, one to go in fraud scandal

Margaret Hunter, a co-defendant in a federal fraud case with her husband Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville), changed her plea to guilty Thursday at a change of plea hearing in front of U.S. District Court Judge Thomas J. Whelan, at the San Diego courthouse. The couple misused about $250,000 in campaign donations for personal expenses, according to Hunter. In one incident, Rep. Hunter planned on buying a pair of…

Duncan Hunter suffering shell shock, CTE?

Move over Donald Trump sanity issues, his early supporter and continuing sycophant, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) apparently has his own mentally-related issues. Uttering numerous insane slurs and comments across various media sites this week, could Hunter be suffering from shell shock, known in modern terms as CTE, the same brain disease disabling many former NFL football players? Sharyn Alfonsi reported last year on…

Yes, we still have avocados, for now

Ah, Avocados;  it’s been a tough month, but Henry Avocado Corp. is back from a listeria recall and so far, no Trump border closure. His threatened U.S.-Mexico border closure would mean no avocados on store shelves within three week, according to experts. With all the controversy, however, avocado prices jumped higher than an NBA all-star at the dunking competition. Prices have remained higher than usual…

Wall, stinking ridiculous wall: Fun Facts Sheet

Wall, stinking ridiculous wall. Thanks to Donald Trump’s government shutdown and faux emergency order centered around his infantile obsession with “The Wall,” we’ve been media- and Republican-bombarded with wall talk. As the case with any hot journalism story, it’s the pleasure of The Grapevine to join the fray. This is possible due to the great reporting from inewsource, the non-profit public investigations news site based…

Cal v. Trump over vehicle emission standards

The Trump administration this summer formally announced a proposal to freeze fuel economy standards and tailpipe emission standards for new cars. In addition, it is proposing to revoke California’s authority to set more stringent rules. This move by the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, while expected for months, is the most significant action yet in rolling back efforts by the…

Don’t kick climate change down the road

Mankind has only 12 years left to make unprecedented cuts in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions if we want to stave off unimaginably catastrophic effects of runaway global warming. This is the warning detailed in October’s report from the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the recognized global climate authority which represents the investigations of hundreds of climate scientists and 195 participating nations. A…

John Oliver calls out criminal grifter Hunter

National laughingstock and criminal grifter Duncan Hunter made the national spotlight again Sunday night as political commentator John Oliver called him out along with another well-known racist, Steve King of rural Iowa. Hunter’s laugh-out-loud clown segment begins at around the 1:08 point in Oliver’s video shown here. With polling showing Ammar Campa-Najjar, an honest and competent person, statistically tied with the criminal grifter Hunter, the…

Hunter race-baits way to Congress (and jail)

Time to take out the trash, California! You are far too cool to keep sending that cow-loving fake farmer from Fresno, Putin’s little buddy in Orange County (whose funding got yanked last week by CLF, lol), and that smarmy Bakersfield Tea Party bastard to Washington. And don’t even get us started on Duncan Hunter! The guy is under indictment for stealing $250,000 from his own…

Progressive voter guide for June 5 election

(Editor’s Note: Here’s a quick and easy way to vote in the June 5, 2018, primary election brought to you courtesy of Doug Porter and the San Diego Free Press. The Grapevine endorses all his endorsements, so get out there and get rid of every Republican enabler of Donald Trump and unAmerican values. It’s especially important to vote for the best local progressive candidates because Republicans…

ACLU: Deportation fear stymies crime tips

The American Civil Liberties Union released a report today that shows fear of deportation is stopping immigrants from reporting crimes and participating in court proceedings. The report, “Freezing Out Justice: How Immigration Arrests at Courthouses Are Undermining the Justice System,” is based on data from a national survey of law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors, and others, conducted jointly by the ACLU and the National Immigrant…