dan weisman

Duncan Duane Hunter’s town hall from hell

Deep state. Thousands of Obama appointees trying to take down Donald Trump from the inside as part of an Orwellian government that controls us. An intelligence community, FBI and Department of Justice “that have been infiltrated by seditious Obama folks that want to go after the President.” Or how about defending Judeo-Christian values that we have in this country. And then there’s “The Hunter Plan”…

On the road again: Desperately seeking new Philosophical Library home

Don’t look now but Escondido’s venerable Philosophical Library dating back to 1963 is nowhere to be found. It’s last Facebook page post was in October 2016 with a link to a GoFundMe page that had raised $238 — of a $20,000 goal — as of Friday, March 10, 2017. “Such a good cause, said Dionne Beeson for the self-funding page’s only post. “Even with all the e-books…

RSF investor declares for governor

A Rancho Santa Fe venture capitalist with way too much money and zero chance of winning, today declared himself a Republican candidate for governor. Rumored for a while, John Cox, 61, became the first Republican to declare for the 2018 governor’s race. He has run for office three times and lost three times. One of those losses came as a candidate for President — of…

Hunter to Issa to Sessions to Russia

Needless to say, perhaps, fervent Donald Trump supporters and fellow Republican congressmen under the microscope Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) and Darrell Issa (R-49th District) came out swinging today on the Russian field of play. Just from different sides of the plate. Hunter told the Los Angeles Times that the Democrats were engaging in a political “Witch Hunt” against Donald Trump and friends while Attorney General…

February fools? Issa calls for special prosecutor, Hunter to hold town hall

Pigs flying. Signs of apocalypse? Was there something in the water today? A double-bent moon shot full of tequila. Could King George III be sane? On Friday, unconfirmed word circulated that Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) would reverse course suddenly and hold an in-person town hall meeting. The next day, Mike Harrison, a Hunter aide, sent emails to Indivisible leaders saying a town hall would…

Crafting local independent online news

(Editor’s Note: The Escondido Grapevine last year was admitted to the Local Independent Online News Publishers (LION) den. Matt DeRienzo recently was named the group’s first full-time executive director. Kristen Hare of the Poynter Institute, one of journalism’s leading think tanks, today posted a Q&A with DeRienzo in the “innovation” section of Poynter’s online journal discussing LION and the future of independent online journalism like that presented…

Issa pulls an Indivisible surprise party (Updated with evening town hall)

(UPDATED 11 p.m. Thursday: Several hundred people turned out at an emergency health care town hall designed to meet with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-49th District) while he was in the district for congressional recess. However, despite staging a surprise morning appearance to meet with Indivisible protestors with his own supporters in tow, Issa was nowhere to be found on an even playing field.) Rep. Darrell Issa (R-49th District)…

When ALEC’s Joel Anderson says drain the swamp, he forgets he is the swamp

(Editor’s Note: In a RARE public opportunity, state Sen. Joel Anderson said this week he would hold an “Escondido Community Coffee Town Hall Meeting” hosted by Escondido Mayor Sam Abed and Escondido Councilman Ed Gallo, both Republicans like Anderson, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 9 at VFW Post 1513, 230 E. Park Ave. Escondido 92025. RSVP was specified at 619-596-3136, although an…

Issa press spokesman Calvin Moore blows back on concept of ‘federal holiday’

Welcome to journalistic transparency. Here’s what goes on when it comes to the new Trump Republican Party dealing with information. Over two dozen 49th Congressional District voters went to Rep. Darrell Issa’s Vista office on Friday, Jan. 20 to deliver a letter protesting Donald Trump’s installation. While Issa staffers were at the office, they refused to open the locked door to accept the letter. Although Issa…

‘Art Critic’ Hunter rips down HS student art posted at Capitol by Missouri congressman

Battling House ethics charges for illegal spending of campaign funds, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-50th District, found time Friday to rip down a high school student’s first-place award-winning art piece posted at the U.S. Capitol complex by Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo. Clay represents St. Louis and Ferguson, Mo., where the infamous Michael Brown slaying took place. The painting was unveiled at the U.S. Capitol complex…