dan weisman

Hey hey, HO HO, Duncan Hunter’s gotta go

Duncan Hunter was named filthiest grifter in Congress by the non-partisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), but his son Duane — who started going by the same Duncan Hunter name to fool voters in 2008 — seems to have outdone his father. After three decades of like-father-like-son criminal grift, voters in California’s 50th Congressional District finally, at long last, have a legitimate…

Duncan Hunter ‘Op-Ed’ annotated

[Editor’s note: Hard to believe the congressman from grift-ville can see through his alcoholic and federally ordered drug testing haze to compose an op-ed piece, meager and ridiculous as it is, but there you have it. USA Today did the dishonor of publishing “Duncan Hunter: Evidence will trump political agendas” without even the courtesy of identifying it as a satirical take. Here it is, annotated…

Campa-Najjar grabs 50th District momentum

Momentum has shifted in the race for California’s 50th Congressional District. Criminal co-conspirators Duncan and Margaret Hunter charged with 60 counts of campaign finance fraud in a 47-page indictment handed up Tuesday, pleaded not guilty on Thursday in San Diego Federal Court. While that was national news blared from coast to coast on cable TV, the real news was the momentum grabbed by Ammar Campa-Najjar,…

Criminal grifting Hunters doing what they do

To the tune of $250,000, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) did it, said he and his wife did it, and now a federal grand jury says he’s going to pay for doing it. Just doing what you do when you’re a criminal grifter with all the sense of a dissipating cloud of vaporizing campaign dollars fraudulently spent on personal expenses via campaign credit card….

‘This is what democracy looks like’

Somewhere over the Rainbow section of Interstate 15 Tuesday, Jan. 16, another nail in the political coffin of Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) went up in the form of a giant billboard reminding voters he is under criminal investigation. As several dozen Indivisible members and their endorsed candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar rallied, and passing motorists along Old Highway 395 honked vehicle horns in cacophonous support,…

Issa, Hunter deal behind closed doors?

Trading places? In the Donald Trump “shithole” world of Reps. Darrell Issa (R-49th Congressional District) and Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District), or maybe “House of Cards” and “Scandal,” the talk Thursday of the two trading congressional districts might even be considered too low to go. Yet, reports circulated that a baseball trade gone politically bonkers might be in the works. Hunter goes into free agency…

No taxation without representation, Hunter

Spoiler alert. Rep, Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District), like his President idol (for now) Donald Trump should do everyone a favor and resign. Considering Hunter’s multiple transgressions, topped off by breaking the law by spending campaign finance $$$ for his, and his family’s, personal expenses, self-admitted by Hunter: The vape, on-the-take, Hunter managed to outdo himself last week. Hunter VOTED FOR THE GOP TAX PLAN…

‘Mr. Sherman’ from Surveillance Pelicana

(Editor’s Note: I plan on publishing my creative writing on a regular basis at The Grapevine as a “public” service, and also to acquaint readers with my accumulated writings that have not seen the light of day. These will be posted under the names of dweissmann or Dean Weissmann for clarity’s sake. Enjoy!) Act begins stage right. A bell rang signifying a change of school…

Leaving Gadsden, Alabama, and Roy Moore

Bless his cotton-picking, pedophile, hypocritical 10 Commandments blackheart, good ole child-molesting Republican boy Roy Moore of Gadsden, Alabama is in the news and on the run. I, too, spent time at Gadsden, and have escaped to tell thee. It was another time and another place. Between jobs as a correspondent for the St. Petersburg Times and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta reporter/columnist for the Sacramento Bee, I…