climate change

Keeping up with the region, dam it

Dam it, Lake Hodges ESCONDIDO, CA. — San Diego County has 54 dams, including the venerable Lake Hodges Dam at Del Dios. State officials judge them all to be safe — an impressive feat considering that the average dam is 62 years old Inewsource filed Public Records Act requests with the California Division of Safety of Dams and 19 dam-owning public agencies, such as water districts, requesting the…

SDG&E-funded 2016 San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard released

Sempra Energy-funded Center for Sustainable Energy’s (CSE) Equinox Project has released its 2016 San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard, which assesses the top economic and environmental indicators to gauge the region’s progress toward sustainability. The dashboard is a nonpartisan report card that tracks and grades quality of life indicators in 15 categories from data supplied by 28 sources to evaluate livability in the region….

From climate change to road widening

Benefits of fixing climate change You think? North County Climate Change Alliance presents Dr. Tom English, a Carlsbad lecturer and scientist and Rolf Dorp, Alliance grass roots organizer discussing the benefits of fixing climate change. They’ll be at the Escondido Public Library’s upstairs Turrentine Room from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23. It’s open to the public and free. “Sponsored by The North…