california rain

Hard rains a’gonna fall over San Diego County all week

Well folks, grab your raincoats, your rubber duckies, and maybe a kayak if you’re feeling adventurous—because the wettest storm of the season is rolling in like a drunk uncle at Thanksgiving! That’s right, an atmospheric river—which, for those of you keeping score at home, is basically a sky river that forgot where it was supposed to go—is heading our way. Now, up in Northern California,…

Lake Hodges good to go at 2/3rds capacity

More rain in one of San Diego County’s rainiest of winter seasons is expected to drop an inch or two across the San Diego region Wednesday through Friday, but Lake Hodges Dam is holding strong. The dam has spilled and last overflowed February-to-March 2011. It also overflowed in February 2005. However, despite a small El Nino pineapple express of rains this season, while Lake Hodges…

Rain swamps San Diego, say hello to El Nino

Blame it on El Nino. After months of promises, infamous climate agitator El Niño finally formed this week, climate scientists announced Thursday.  “Weak El Niño conditions are present and are expected to continue through the spring,” the Climate Prediction Center said. El Niño is a periodic natural warming of sea water in the tropical Pacific. It is among the biggest influences on weather and climate in the United States and…

Yes Virginia, there is a Valley Center and it even has a little community news

From Robert Lerner, Valley Center Historian Rainmaker exhibit opens at Valley Center Museum To commemorate the 100th anniversary of torrential rains and floods that nearly destroyed Valley Center and other parts of North County, the Valley Center History Museum has mounted a major exhibition titled “The Rainmaker” after the local man who was credited and later blamed for the destructive storms. Multiple photos and memorabilia…