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Castle Creek Country Club, pickleball and the Pasadena Senior Games

Want to go the Pasadena Senior Games, yet stay in San Diego County? Want to see pickleball. Pickleball? Or do not pass go, simply start with what the heck is this all about? Long story not so short, the Pasadena Senior Games hosted by the Pasadena Senior Center features 35 different competitions. Everything from archery, badminton basketball, bowling, cycling, golf  to power lifting road racing,…

Abed’s Town Hall meeting gets recycled

Escondido Mayor, and San Diego County District 3 Supervisor candidate Sam Abed may have gone to his 11th Town Hall meeting looking for a boost Wednesday. All he apparently got was a lengthy brow-beating and not even a lousy T-shirt. Who knows what the Republican mayor believed would come out of this exercise in listening to his constituents. A room packed with residents from the Chaparral…

Early voting underway in San Diego County

Early voting for next month’s election began in San Diego County on May 9 — the day voters could start casting ballots in dozens of races for federal, state, county and local offices and for ballot measures. Voters across San Diego County have been casting early ballots for more than a week, and it should soon become clear which candidates in several hard-fought contests have…

San Diego County dams old, but not out

San Diego County has 54 dams, including the venerable Lake Hodges Dam at Del Dios. State officials judge them all to be safe — an impressive feat considering that the average dam is 62 years old. On the radio…  Giving you quick access to public data inewsource filed Public Records Act requests with the California Division of Safety of Dams and 19 dam-owning public agencies, such as water…

SDG&E-funded 2016 San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard released

Sempra Energy-funded Center for Sustainable Energy’s (CSE) Equinox Project has released its 2016 San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard, which assesses the top economic and environmental indicators to gauge the region’s progress toward sustainability. The dashboard is a nonpartisan report card that tracks and grades quality of life indicators in 15 categories from data supplied by 28 sources to evaluate livability in the region….

Fact Check: North County Wants Its ‘Fair Share’ of SANDAG Tax

Escondido Mayor Sam Abed claims SANDAG’s ballot measure allocates too much for public-transit projects in San Diego and not enough for highways in North County. While it’s true that increased transit funding is more beneficial for dense San Diego than suburban Escondido, transit dollars are still useful for North County. Statement: “The new proposal from SANDAG … 14 percent goes to freeways and 40 percent goes to public…

Of roads, town halls and apartment buildings

Don’t go messing with San Elijo Road Meanwhile, over at San Marcos, motorists take care. Beginning Monday, May 16, otherwise known as today, when the story filed, traffic was reduced to one lane on both north- and southbound sides along San Elijo Road and S. Twin Oaks Valley Road “to accommodate roadway improvements critical to student, pedestrian, bicycle and traffic safety while paving the way…

Got a beef? Hit the street.

Escondido Street Fair(e) goers who didn’t get their fill of arts, crafts and music Sunday, May 15 at the semi-annual fair definitely got their fill of politics, local and otherwise. Everybody was there from Peta and green energy to Bernie, Sam and strange causes that seemed head-scratchers at best. People not only could register to vote, they also could find out about just about any…

Escondido Street Fair(e) keeps rolling along

Like the Energizer Rabbit of yore and lore, the Grand Avenue Festival, aka Escondido Street Faire, just kept running and running and running. Such was the case Sunday, May 15 along downtown’s main street. Which way did it go? “It went wonderfully,” said Rick Bauer, Escondido site manager for Kennedy & Associates, the Carlsbad company that manages the region’ top festival’s, including the Carlsbad Village…

Friday DUI checkpoint nets no DUI drivers

Escondido police held yet another DUI checkpoint outside Police Headquarters Friday detaining zero DUI drivers among 1,579 vehicles passing through barricades. This followed similar checkpoints in March that caught two DUI drivers out of 1,120 vehicles and February that caught one DUI driver out of 1,393 vehicles. A November 2015 checkpoint also caught zero DUI drivers out of 2,514 vehicles inspected. Ten previous 2015 checkpoints…