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Bad hair day at En Salon

This bit of Escondido-mania has blown up on social media since Wednesday. Desiree Bates of iHeartMedia sent me the “scoop” saying, “Thought I’d send this to you since it’s relevant to Escondido.” No sale. I wrote her back, saying, “Whoa, what is this thing? Don’t think our viewers are into it though.” Wow, was I wrong. This sucker has blown up all over the Internet….

People behaving badly, and strangely

Luckiest guy at San Marcos It’s one thing to get hit by a speeding commuter train. Safe to say, it’s a whole ‘nother thing to get hit by the train, get up, walk away and still be at large. Such was the case, and fate, of an unidentified man who was struck by a train Thursday night near Palomar College in San Marcos. Like the…

SD homes too pricey? Try Escondido

While inventory is low, demand for Escondido is spurring development and new communities are underway. Hope still reigns for first time buyers in Escondido as the city is promulgating a first time buyer’s assistance program. — Realtor Del Phillips The economy is looking up for many and according to the Case-Shiller index tracking resales of single family homes, this trend is being reflected in home prices….

Escondido to Saudi Arabia to Rio Olympics

Escondido High School and Pepperdine University 800-meter sensation Sarah Attar is going back to the Olympics. A trailblazer, Attar might have finished last in her 2012 Summer Games prelininary heat, but she leads the way in bringing a modicum of women’s equality to one of the last bastions of feudal male society — Saudi Arabia. Attar, 23, was born in the U.S.A.but her father, Amer…

Total $1 million pay package for Escondido city attorney-manager tops state money list

Today, Transparent California released previously-unseen 2015 public employee compensation data — complete with names, pay, and benefits — for 379 cities and 42 counties statewide on, the state’s largest public sector compensation database. Escondido city attorney Jeffrey Epp’s $521,204 and city manager Clayton Phillips’ $518,749 total compensation packages made them the state’s highest-compensated city attorney and manager, respectively, and the 2nd and 3rd highest-compensated city workers of the more than 245,000 employees surveyed….

San Diego House members travel the world with private money

Between the start of the current Congress on Jan. 3, 2015, and the end of June, San Diego County’s five representatives and members of their staffs took 31 trips that were paid for by private entities, mostly charities, think tanks and trade associations. The office of Rep. Darrell Issa, a Vista Republican, led the delegation, with 14 such trips. The office of Rep. Duncan Hunter,…

Sorry Sam: Dave and Kristin headed for supervisor race runoff

Incumbent 3rd District Supervisor Dave Roberts will square off against Encinitas Mayor Kristin Gaspar in November. Escondido Mayor Sam Abed is out. “I’m happy to be past that milestone and am looking forward to the next months ahead,” Gaspar said. Roberts finished first, with 38.79 percent of votes cast (53,108), while Gaspar was in second place, with 34.28 percent (46,939), according to the latest tally,…

Accretive’s Lilac Hills ballot abomination

Accretive Investments LLC last month may have turned in enough signatures for their ballot initiative to qualify it for the November election. If voters approve, Accretive will be allowed to build Lilac Hills Ranch (LHR), an abomination of 1,746-home, 90,000-square-feet of commercial space, and an assisted living facility, in what is now pristine farm land and natural habitat, far from any existing infrastructure San Diego…

Jenny Craig, ‘Papa’ Doug Manchester disgrace USD by hosting Trump fundraiser

As proud alumni of the University of San Diego, spanning different generations, races, faith traditions, genders, sexual orientations and professions, we love and care deeply about the mission and moral core of USD. We support and cherish USD’s mission to operate as a “preeminent Catholic university known for educating students who are globally competent, ethical leaders committed to the common good and empowered to engage…

Group wants EUSD Board president recall

Recall Escondido Union School District Board president Joan Gardner? That’s the battle cry of a newly formed association of retired educators and Escondido progressives committed to education for English Learners calling itself “The Saturday Group.” The group launched its recall effort at the June 23 EUSD Board meeting in response to Vista Superior Court Judge Richard Whitney’s refusal to agree to a request for a…