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San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum holds 1st Annual Health & Wellness Week

San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum (SDCDM) is holding its 1st Annual Health & Wellness Week Sept. 19-23. Each day will offer check-ups and workshops around a different theme with local health and wellness organizations onsite at the Museum to provide services. SDCDM is very excited about this special event and the opportunity to engage with our community partners to provide health and wellness resources to Museum visitors and…

Court leaves most of Lilac Hills Ranch opposition ballot statement standing

San Diego Superior Court Judge Eddie C. Sturgeon Wednesday told Lilac Hills Ranch supporters to forget about changing opposition ballot statements. Sturgeon denied the request of Lilac Hills Ranch advocates that opponents alter language in their ballot statement, in effect legitimizing the right of opponents to frame their arguments as they chose fit. “The court supported our concerns about Measure B,” James Gordon of the No on B…

CSUSM Student Healthcare Project making difference in communities

Cal State San Marcos participants in the Student Healthcare Project follow a similar pattern each semester. “The first three weeks they all run around like their hair is on fire,” said Mary Baker, who is the director of the School of Nursing Student Healthcare Project. “Then they really start to jell and work together as a team. And then they get really good at it…

Local crime rates fall, county rates rise

People may have behaved badly this year, but they’re behaving a lot less badly around San Marcos, about the same around Escondido and somewhat greater around Valley Center than last year. Overall, crime rates in these three communities combined dropped this year compared to last year, bucking a trend that found overall countywide rates rising. This, according to mid-year 2016 crime statistics compiled by SANDAG and…

Organic avocados all the rage today

Looks like the organic avocado aisle is the place to be these days for consumers and retailers alike. Demand is high and prices rising as a result. California is the nation’s avocado basket growing 90 percent of the nation’s crop. The swath of North County and Southwest Riverside County from Escondido and Vista through Temecula accounts for 40 percent of avocados grown in the U.S….

Zoo burns $1M in rhino items in 1st US bonfire of its kind

The San Diego Zoo burned items containing rhinoceros horn with an estimated black market value of $1 million in a symbolic gesture at its San Pasqual Valley Safari Park Thursday to show the U.S. is committed to ending illegal wildlife trafficking. Today @DirectorDanAshe is at @sandiegozoo! We’re burning #rhino horn to raise awareness & #endwildlifetrafficking. — US Fish and Wildlife (@USFWS) September 8, 2016 The U.S. Fish…

Mama Kat’s is the cat’s meow

One lovely and crazy hot Saturday morning, Jake, T and I were up in North County. We don’t really spend a whole heck of a lot of time in the northern parts of San Diego, but here we were. It was still breakfast hours though the time was creeping up and over noon and I figured it was high time to try out this spot…

Planes, trains and automobiles…yoga

Several weeks ago as I was driving north on Interstate 5 from Oceanside, in Southern California, I was not pleased that, like all the other times I reluctantly have driven that route, cars were not moving. Fortunately, this time I wasn’t racing to teach a class or see a client. I was driving to meet my daughter and her beau in Laguna Beach, to celebrate my 65th…

What’s in a Lilac Hills Ranch ballot opponent argument?

What’s in a ballot measure opposition statement, Lilac Hills Ranch fans, should be settled by San Diego Superior Court Judge Eddie C. Sturgeon almost immediately following a Tuesday, Sept. 13 hearing. The ever-contentious, and litigious, question of placing 1,700 homes and 90,000 square feet of commercial space on agricultural land that is currently zoned to hold 110 new homes and no commercial space in very…