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Keeping up with the region, dam it

Dam it, Lake Hodges ESCONDIDO, CA. — San Diego County has 54 dams, including the venerable Lake Hodges Dam at Del Dios. State officials judge them all to be safe — an impressive feat considering that the average dam is 62 years old Inewsource filed Public Records Act requests with the California Division of Safety of Dams and 19 dam-owning public agencies, such as water districts, requesting the…

Cruising Grand, Escondido and other antique car tales from Menifee

Antique cars, hot rods, luxury sedans and eyefuls of chrome as far as the lens can see. ESCONDIDO, CA. — “Filming at Menifee’s Motte Historical Museum was like filming at Knott’s Berry Farm because it looked very western.  Mr and Mrs. Motte were very lovely people,” Sara explained. “They let me film at the museum and they were very kind to me.” “It was very hot that day…

So, you want to work for Stone Brewing

A funny thing happened to Stone Brewing Co. on its way to global expansion and hotel entrepreneurship: 5 percent of its work force got laid off Thursday. ESCONDIDO, CA. — We don’t know how many employees were affected by this. Stone didn’t say.  However, the company website said it employs 1,100 people, and industry websites put the number of jobs eliminated at 50 to 75….

November to remember: Hospice volunteers, pet benefit, adult student art

The Elizabeth Hospice seeks volunteers Want to give back to the community and help those who are seriously ill? The Elizabeth Hospice is scheduled to host its next volunteer training from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8 and Wednesday, Nov. 9  at The Elizabeth Hospice administrative building, 500 La Terraza Blvd, Suite 130, Escondido. Volunteer training is free and open to the public,…

Escondido Art Walk Saturday Night

Escondido Art Walk Saturday Night toasting the town with sights and sounds, gratis Hors d’Oeuvres and a splash of craft beer or wine. Ground Zero, Grand Central Station, stage right is Escondido Partnership for the Arts, sponsor and exhibitor of the finest in local art. Across the Street Person Pocket Park, stage left, a long lanky fellow with a bass and percussionist scores the hit of…

No more Souplantation for you?

It’s almost too easy to go Seinfeld “Soup Nazi” as in no Souplantation for you. Rancho Bernardo-based Garden Fresh, owner-operator of Souplantation, is closing 20 to 30 of its 123 restaurants in 15 states as part of a reorganization caused by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Delaware. Rest assured lovers of the all-you-can-eat soup and salad self-serve eatery with outlets at Escondido Promenade along…

San Diego GOP gets $50K donation from Lilac Hills developer after endorsement

The developer of the controversial Lilac Hills Ranch project contributed $50,000 to the Republican Party of San Diego County shortly after the party voted to endorse the development. LHR Investment Company LLC — a subsidiary of developer Accretive Investments — made the donation on Sept. 21. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Tony Krvaric, chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County, wrote in an…

Lilac Hills Ranch ‘Measure B’ is a scam

With the November election just weeks away, I am encouraging San Diego voters to vote No on the Lilac Hills Ranch Measure B. Measure B is a countywide measure on which all San Diego County voters – including residents of incorporated cities – will vote. Measure B would allow a deep-pocketed developer to build Lilac Hills Ranch, a development of more than 1,700 homes and 90,000…

Meet Escondido’s smallest brewery-to-be

Editor’s Note: This article first aired in West Coaster and is reprinted by permission dedicated to serving America’s finest beer county at Although they’re not related by blood, Ketchen Smith and Evan Smith are bound by their love of craft-beer and their shared project for getting into the business of producing it, Escondido Brewing Company (649 Rock Springs Road, Suite B, Escondido). Longtime Escondido residents, Evan owns and operates his 38-year-old…

Vote for ‘Health’ at the 14th Annual Because I Care Community Fair

California State University San Marcos is pleased to partner with the City of San Marcos and the San Marcos Fire Department to offer the 14th Annual Because I Care Community Fair 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8 at the San Marcos Senior Activity Center, 111 Richmar Ave. The purpose of the Because I Care Community Fair is to raise awareness of and garner support for individuals who provide…