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Darrell Issa is a deuche bag — Obama clean water regulation was a ‘dirty trick’

Darrell Issa is a deuche bag… Darrell Issa: Obama regulation was a ‘dirty trick’ To watch Issa on Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room: A staunch critic of former President Barack Obama (and hater of black people) said Thursday he voted to overturn a rule from the last administration because of the timing when Obama put it in place. The comments from dueche bag Rep. Darrell…

200-plus voters hit Issa, Hunter offices

Around 200 constituents turned out to express concerns to Rep. Darrell Issa, who was not in attendance. Many called for an in-person town hall meeting. Two separate Indivisible groups spent Tuesday demonstrating outside the offices two of the only remaining California members of Congress, Rep. Darrell Issa, (R-49th District) and Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District). Smaller group met with managers of the respective pro-Trump congressmen….

Unlikely RSF resident, WorldstarHipHop founder Lee ‘Q’ O’Denat dies at age 43

“Q was a brilliant businessman who championed urban culture, ultimately creating the largest hip-hop website in the world. But more than that, he was a devoted father and one of the nicest, most generous persons to ever grace this planet.” — WorldstarHipHop statement While legendary hip-hop and street fight website entrepreneurs might not be one’s first guess for ultra-sedate Rancho Santa Fe residency, WorldstarHipHop founder Lee…

Issa press spokesman Calvin Moore blows back on concept of ‘federal holiday’

Welcome to journalistic transparency. Here’s what goes on when it comes to the new Trump Republican Party dealing with information. Over two dozen 49th Congressional District voters went to Rep. Darrell Issa’s Vista office on Friday, Jan. 20 to deliver a letter protesting Donald Trump’s installation. While Issa staffers were at the office, they refused to open the locked door to accept the letter. Although Issa…

Closed door policy at Issa’s Vista office?

(Note: Updated 2 p.m. Thursday with quotes, information.) It was a case of meet — sorta —  and definitely no greet on Inauguration Day at the Vista office of Rep. Darrell Issa (R-49th District), according to representatives of 26 constituents in a group calling itself Courageous Resistance Encinitas who tried to deliver a letter protesting Donald Trump’s installation to staff there. Newfound public political action met a…

Falling down Duncan Hunter’s rabbit hole

CONGRESSMAN DEFENDS BUNNY TRAVEL There is nothing better than a ridiculous scandal involving a public person to excite journalists. Congressman Duncan Hunter has provided journalists a perfect whipping boy for the past several months over improper charges to Hunter’s campaign funds. The ongoing revelations have triggered months of investigate reporting aided by the findings of the Federal Election Commission. Last week the most absurd disclosure of…

Recycled water and social injustice upheld

Escondido’s city council approved a conditional use permit on Jan. 11 to build a recycled-water treatment plant  on a vacant lot at 1201 E. Washington Avenue near the Springs retirement home. The facility  will further treat water from the city’s Hale Avenue Resource Recovery facility to a level suited for agriculture, mainly avocados. In a later phase, the city will expand it to focus on potable reuse water….

Welk Theater Review: ‘My Fair Lady’

Welk Resorts brings a classic to the stage, and it’s just as fun as ever. Oh, that Henry Higgins. What a prig. What a jerk. What a genius! (Just ask him.) Yep, George Bernard Shaw’s favorite linguist is back to amuse and annoy us with his smart-alecky and soulless use of poor Eliza Doolittle as a guinea pig to showcase his great ability to transform…

Petition circulating for Hunter town hall

A petition asking Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) to hold a town hall meeting attracted more than 100 signatures in less than a day, a number that keeps growing. Circulated Sunday at, visit here, by San Marcos resident Brina Bujkobsky, the petition said: “We, constituents of California’s 50th Congressional District, are petitioning our representative, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter , to hold a public Town…

10,000 join San Marcos Women’s March

Ten thousand came when only 2,500 were expected. Women’s March North County San Diego quadrupled its expected number Saturday as an excited, and determined group marched from San Marcos Civic Center to Palomar College. A few early sprinkles and the unexpected numbers did nothing to dampen the mood at the free-wheeling people’s parade. Far exceeding expectations, the thousands of marchers overflowed Mission Avenue sidewalks spilling into…