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When ALEC’s Joel Anderson says drain the swamp, he forgets he is the swamp

(Editor’s Note: In a RARE public opportunity, state Sen. Joel Anderson said this week he would hold an “Escondido Community Coffee Town Hall Meeting” hosted by Escondido Mayor Sam Abed and Escondido Councilman Ed Gallo, both Republicans like Anderson, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 9 at VFW Post 1513, 230 E. Park Ave. Escondido 92025. RSVP was specified at 619-596-3136, although an…

Issa, Hunter protests getting bigger, better (Updated-Video Thursday)

A third week of protests centering around Republican Representatives Darryl Issa (49th District) and Duncan Hunter (50th District) along with various causes swelled Tuesday to over 700 people at four locations, organizers said. Protests at Issa’s home-town Vista office attracted twice as many participants compared to the previous Tuesday with nearly 300 people lining the streets of an industrial area with massive displays of signs…

2017 is the new 1984 and other stories

2017 is the new 1984…I seriously hope the United States fails Shortly after the U.S. presidential inauguration I watched the movie “1984.” I last had watched it in, uh, 1984. Imagine that. I normally only watch movies once because, well, there are just too many movies out there that I want to see, so I don’t consider it a good use of time to watch a…

Weekly Progressive Calendar for San Diego

Compiled By Doug Porter — San Diego Free Press Congratulations, resistees! We have survived 1.4% of Donald Trump’s (only) four-year term. It’s more important than ever to remember we’re involved in a marathon, not a sprint. The latest polling results are out as I write this, and they offer encouragement for those of us involved in this movement. Support for impeaching the president has risen from 40% to 46% in…

GOP Congress delays Hunter ethics report

The House Ethics Committee has delayed releasing a report from the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) or taking other action regarding allegations against Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50 District). Details of the report are unknown, but Hunter has been accused of misappropriating campaign money to pay for personal expenses. Last year, the liberal nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed complaints with the…

Amidst ethics probes: Hunter won’t meet with voters, approve any funds for district

Rep, Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) had a busy day of “just say no” as his chief aide said the Alpine congressman wouldn’t hold an in-person town hall and Hunter said he wouldn’t assist in any federal aid requests from sanctuary cities, including his own. All of San Diego County, and cities in Hunter’s district, are classified as sanctuary areas, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs…

Constituents flood Issa, Hunter offices

Nearly 400 people braved some nasty weather Tuesday to rally at five separate San Diego County and area events, asking for political accountability and preservation of the Affordable Care Act known popularly as Obamacare. They also asked for in-person town hall meetings and pledges to oppose President Trump’s proposed Muslim ban. Close to 140 people were caught in the rain outside of Rep. Darrell Issa’s Vista…

Ketchup or PFAS with those fries?

Researchers Raise Concerns About Chemicals in Fast-Food Packaging As if cheeseburgers, fries and microwave popcorn weren’t enough of a dietary worry, now comes word that fast-food packaging is also a cause for concern. In a paper published last week, federal government and university researchers report finding chemicals from a suspect family of compounds in the wrappers and containers of one out of every three sandwiches, burgers, desserts…

Burger Bench on Grand Avenue, Escondido

Burger Bench is the brainchild of one of my hiking / blogging friends 100peaks and in its first year of being open, it has already carved itself a spot in the downtown Escondido culture. Serving up good burgers and a large menu of San Diego craft beer, it is one of those spots you want to go after a long hike in one of San Diego’s many…

What happens to San Diego institutions if Trump guts federal arts funding?

President Donald Trump’s staff is proposing to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency that has funded art performance, research and accessibility since its formation in 1965, according to a recent report in The Hill. To understand how that decision would affect San Diego, inewsource dug into NEA grant data and spoke with local arts leaders. Here’s what we found: In terms of general operating…