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Hunter imperils Israel, Jordan, US soldiers

I am not sure Mr. Hunter would trust Jordan’s regime to keep his $600-flight-riding pet rabbit, let alone deadly American drones. — Mudar Zahran  Recently, Rep. Duncan Hunter, (R-50th District) relaunched congressional pressure on the White House to sell deadly drones to Jordan. Hunter has been lobbying for this deal for almost two years now. He wants Jordan to obtain Reaper and Predator drones. Obama’s administration…

RSF: Dukakis, mansion nightmare, B. Black

Dukakis speaks at Fairbanks Ranch Michael Dukakis, 83, former governor of Massachusetts and 1988 Democratic candidate for president, spoke recently to the Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club where I am VP for programs. Congressman Scott Peters was there. Also Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez and new husband Nathan Fletcher, a likely candidate for supervisor in 2018. Inspired by the recent election of Donald Trump, a capacity crowd…

Blue Shield CEO says GOP’s ‘flawed’ health bill would harm sicker consumers

The chief executive of Blue Shield of California, the largest insurer on the state’s insurance marketplace, issued a blunt critique of the Republican health care bill, saying it would once more lock Americans with preexisting conditions out of affordable coverage. In an interview with California Healthline on Wednesday, Paul Markovich said the GOP’s American Health Care Act is “flawed” and “could return us to a…

Sessions wrongly tags Escondido

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions tags Escondido wrongly for immigrant crimes. Escondido last week entered the national dialogue over immigrant rights and Donald Trump’s big, bad border wall, but in an unexpected, and counterfactual way. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions highlighted Escondido to illustrate how jurisdictions that limit cooperation with immigration authorities jeopardize public safety. The only problem was Sessions got everything wrong. Speaking at…

Hunter vamping vaping legislation

Fighting a campaign finance criminal investigation, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) still has time, apparently, to battle for a vice he loves: Vaping. Hunter introduced legislation Thursday to roll back current regulations treating electronic cigarettes the same as tobacco products. Titled the Cigarette Smoking Reduction & Electronic Vapor Alternatives Act, HR 2194, Hunter’s ode to vaping, would undo the Obama administration’s “Deeming Rule” that put…

Tale of the Toppled Hurler: A Peter Hartwell Story (Part 16) — The Final Chapter

Tale of the Toppled Hurler: A Peter Hartwell Story by Bruce A. Kauffman c 2017  All rights reserved. For full story, visit: Chapter 16 They’ve weathered the crisis at the temple and now Hartwell heads for town to witness the rest of the Yankees’ series. Jimmy drove me to Kenmore Square, where I checked into the hotel and lingered under a hot, needle-point shower until…

Capitol painting won’t prevail on appeal

A controversial painting that made headlines earlier this year is now the subject of a lawsuit in a federal court in Washington, D.C., but constitutional experts predict the plaintiff’s free speech arguments are doomed. The case hinges on whether an art competition held by members of Congress qualifies as “government speech,” which has less protection under the First Amendment. The legal feud has roiled emotions in Washington…

Judge rejects effort to reinstall painting taken down by Hunter at U.S. Capitol

A federal judge has rejected efforts to reinstall a painting in the Capitol that some lawmakers and police groups found offensive because it depicts police officers with animal heads. David Pulphus, a student artist from Missouri, and Rep. William Clay, his Democratic congressman, had sued Architect of the Capitol Stephen Ayers for removing the painting in January. They sought a preliminary injunction to have the…

Review: ‘The Man Who Came To Dinner’

Details “The Man Who Came To Dinner” plays through April 30, 2017 at Welk Resort Theatre, 8860 Lawrence Welk Drive, Escondido. Friday and Saturday at 8 pm; Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 1 pm Tickets: (888) 802-7469 A nightmare? Yes. Funny? No, hilarious. Never invite Sheridan Whiteside to dinner. That imperious radio wit just might fall, injure something and refuse to leave, demanding service in…