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Stick Faye’s Fork in it, Pegah’s done

Courtesy of Faye’s Fork food blog. For more, visit Faye’s Fork: PEGAH’S KITCHEN 912 S Redwood St Escondido, CA 92025 (760) 739-9265 I was in Escondido to have my car serviced. It was an early morning and all I could think about was chicken fried steak. And country gravy. I discovered Pegah’s Kitchen on my Yelp app and decided to try the restaurant as they…

Wasted days and wasted nights on SR 78

And maybe someday we will find, that it wasn’t really Wasted time Mm,hm Oh hoo, ooh, ohh, Ohh, ooh, mm. — Eagles “Wasted Time” With great fanfare, SANDAG in 2012 broke ground for a $41 million road widening project on State Route 78 near Interstate 15 as well as around Nordahl Road “to ease traffic congestions during morning and afternoon commuting hours.” Guess what? It…

Congressional office merry-go-round

Given the (supposed) gravitas of Congress, one would imagine top staffers would be grizzled veterans well-versed in the affairs of state. One would be wrong. Many congressional staffers are young, not attached to geography as they represent congressional offices far removed from their native lands. And many in the Republican brand play a game of office musical chairs where no chairs go unfilled although they swap…

Collective action will solve climate crisis

I fancy myself an environmentalist.  I recycle, backyard compost, have rooftop solar, rarely use AC or heat, drive a hybrid, don’t have a lawn and eat vegetarian. Yet the truth is I am as responsible for climate change as the next guy. Here’s why. Doing those things makes me feel good about myself, but they don’t move the world measurably closer to solving the climate…

Oh-oh heat wave…We give in already

(Editor’s Note: The Great Heat Wave chilled out on Sunday just in time for a day supposedly honoring labor, yet consisting of no work. Temps dipped below 100 degrees everywhere in San Diego County,  big change from the day before when 20 local places broke the 100 degrees barrier. What happened? Tropical Storm Lidia sucked in a high pressure system bringing with it desert air….

Abed, Masson, Gallo: ‘Screw you, library’

Shocking. Deaf. Scandalous. Callous. Fascist. Fishy… In a shocking display of community and political deafness, Escondido’s Gang of Three right-wing Republicans on the 5-person City Council, so-called Mayor Sam Abed, and Councilmen John Masson, and Ed Gallo ignored overwhelming community opposition and voted for an ill-defined marketing sales pitch by the corporate interest, Library Systems and Services (LS&S) to take over Escondido library services. Speaker…

Jack will serve you now (mum’s the word)

(Editor’s Note: Jack in the Box finished market testing Friday and rolled out the brisket burger at other restaurants Saturday, Sept. 2…) How does a cheeseburger topped with 9-hour slow-cooked brisket, onion rings, a red wine glaze and smoky chili aioli serve on a sesame and poppy seeds artisan potato bun strike you? Forget about the amazing Wooden Spoon or Vintana at Escondido, newly opened…

Back to school: Cal State San Marcos opens year with record enrollment

The fall semester at Cal State San Marcos kicked off Monday with nearly three dozen new faculty, several new programs and the highest enrollment in campus history. President Karen Haynes, the most senior president in the CSU system, opened the 2017-18 academic year with her 14th CSUSM Convocation address on Thursday, Aug. 24. Speaking to hundreds of CSUSM faculty and staff members, she highlighted recent…

Where fast food drive-thru, vegans meet

Think fast food drive-thru places are bad? Think again. Ocean Beach-based Plant Power Fast Food has expanded to ever-trendy, and ever-retro-hipped-out Leucadia, and with a twist. Its new location at a former Burger King features a drive-thru window, believed to be the first drive-thru vegan restaurant experience offered by a fully plant-based fast-food restaurant chain in the nation. Plant Power Fast Food calls itself a…

Duncan Hunter brings his kids to work for ‘Stealing from your Campaign Day’

“Father of the year” — Reprinted by permission from “Five Dollar Feminist” at Wonkette. For more from Wonkette visit the International Home of the Resistance. When God closes a door, he opens a window. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) knows this, because he is a Christian who loves Trump and hates gaybortions. For instance, Hunter tried to close the door on a Congressional investigation into…