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Ret. Marine Col. McNamara taking on Abed

Controversial two-term Republican Escondido Mayor Sam Abed has drawn a formidable opponent in the form of retired Marine Corps Col. Paul “Mac” McNamara. “I’m running for Mayor of Escondido because I believe we can get Escondido back on track,” McNamara said. “As a retired Marine Colonel, and a private sector executive who turned around struggling businesses, I know how to manage large organizations and get…

Hunter race-baits way to Congress (and jail)

Time to take out the trash, California! You are far too cool to keep sending that cow-loving fake farmer from Fresno, Putin’s little buddy in Orange County (whose funding got yanked last week by CLF, lol), and that smarmy Bakersfield Tea Party bastard to Washington. And don’t even get us started on Duncan Hunter! The guy is under indictment for stealing $250,000 from his own…

Indicted grifter Duncan Hunter hits racist low

Rep. Duncan Duane Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) slings racist falsehoods in effort to save his seat. The embattled California lawmaker is accusing his Arab Christian opponent of sympathizing with terrorists. Hunter, also known as the vaping congressman, is battling for re-election in a traditionally red district east of San Diego after being indicted on charges of using campaign funds for personal expenses. In an effort to…

Progressive guide to county ballot measures

As presently constituted, San Diego County’s Board of Supervisors is a dying breed. Decades of a status quo determined by mostly white, Republican, and male overlords are coming to an end. Term limits, a less homogenous population, and the decline of the Grand Old Party’s base in California mean a change is coming. This is the lens through which Measures A thru D–to be voted…

New China tariffs pressure state farm exports

In the escalating trade conflict between the U.S. and China, more California agricultural products now face new retaliatory tariffs in one of their export markets. On Monday, Sept. 24, China implemented a new round of tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods, including a wide range of foods and agricultural products. The tariffs came in response to new U.S. duties on $200 billion in…

Take a good look — it’s US Constitution Day

Today is Constitution Day. Thousands of middle and high school students across San Diego County will better understand the wisdom, complexity and enduring relevance of the United States Constitution thanks to a special ACLU program pairing volunteer speakers with host teachers in celebration of Constitution Day. Since 2007, the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties (ACLU-SDIC) has recruited attorneys, civic leaders, community advocates and others…

Campa-Najjar grabs 50th District momentum

Momentum has shifted in the race for California’s 50th Congressional District. Criminal co-conspirators Duncan and Margaret Hunter charged with 60 counts of campaign finance fraud in a 47-page indictment handed up Tuesday, pleaded not guilty on Thursday in San Diego Federal Court. While that was national news blared from coast to coast on cable TV, the real news was the momentum grabbed by Ammar Campa-Najjar,…

Criminal grifting Hunters doing what they do

To the tune of $250,000, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) did it, said he and his wife did it, and now a federal grand jury says he’s going to pay for doing it. Just doing what you do when you’re a criminal grifter with all the sense of a dissipating cloud of vaporizing campaign dollars fraudulently spent on personal expenses via campaign credit card….

Hunter, wife indicted for campaign fraud

Not a good week for GOP candidates in San Diego… Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife, Margaret are expected to be arraigned on Thursday morning in Federal court. A 47-page grand jury indictment accuses the couple of diverting more than $250,000 in campaign funds to family vacations, school tuition, theater tickets and other personal expenses. They are facing charges of wire fraud, falsifying records,…

Climate change and wildfires, is there a link?

Once again, the summer of 2018 in the Northern Hemisphere has brought us an epidemic of major wildfires. These burn forests, houses and other structures, displace thousands of people and animals, and cause major disruptions in people’s lives. The huge burden of simply firefighting has become a year-round task costing billions of dollars, let alone the cost of the destruction. The smoke veil can extend…