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Don’t kick climate change down the road

Mankind has only 12 years left to make unprecedented cuts in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions if we want to stave off unimaginably catastrophic effects of runaway global warming. This is the warning detailed in October’s report from the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the recognized global climate authority which represents the investigations of hundreds of climate scientists and 195 participating nations. A…

Another Florida recount, calling Valley Center

(Editor’s Note: Even as Broward County and Palm Beach County election officials grapple with a razor thin-tight election recount, shades of 2000 reflect on the registrar of voters walls. The road to Florida election recount chaos runs straight through Valley Center where the originally defective voting machines traced to the well-turned home of Dick and Loralee Stephens at 29751 Valley Center Rd. The Stephens were…

Mapping how the 49th flipped and 50th didn’t

Click here to see precinct results for the 49th and 50th Congressional District seats decided in the Nov. 6, 2018, election. In the 50th Congressional District, Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter beat Democratic challenger Ammar Campa-Najjar. Hunter is facing federal charges for misusing $250,000 of campaign money from previous elections, but he still captured 54 percent of the vote to Campa-Najjar’s 46 percent. Campa-Najjar refused donations…

Abed’s Esco mayor lead shrinks from 275 to 29 votes (UPDATED 6 P.M. NOV. 13)

Don’t believe EVERY vote matters? One might term it the ‘Big Mac Attack.’ With Escondido mayoral mail-in and provisional ballots continuing to be counted Monday afternoon, Democratic challenger Paul “Mac McNamara pulled within 29 votes of Republican incumbent Sam Abed. Although all 75 Escondido precincts have reported results, the race for Escondido mayor turned into a race for the ages this weekend as McNamara cut into…

Grifter Duncan Hunter’s pyrrhic victory

Criminal grifter Duncan Duane Hunter Jr. stole his latest election metaphorically speaking since it was, at best, the epitome of a pyrrhic victory, defined as a victory “won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.” Fact is, Hunter’s 9 percentage point victory over Ammar Campa-Najjar means only that the 50th Congressional District will NOT be represented during the initial part…

San Diego County 2018 Election Results

Local San Diego County election results are complete. More commentary to follow this evening. Visit these links to see the results: ************************************************************************************************* BEHIND SCENES, CA50 TURNOUT DRIVEN BY PROGRESSIVE PACs An unprecedented campaign by independent progressive groups to oust Rep. Duncan Hunter in CA50 has boosted the candidacy of Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar through an aggressive voter outreach drive. The San…

John Oliver calls out criminal grifter Hunter

National laughingstock and criminal grifter Duncan Hunter made the national spotlight again Sunday night as political commentator John Oliver called him out along with another well-known racist, Steve King of rural Iowa. Hunter’s laugh-out-loud clown segment begins at around the 1:08 point in Oliver’s video shown here. With polling showing Ammar Campa-Najjar, an honest and competent person, statistically tied with the criminal grifter Hunter, the…

Duncan Hunter is a man on the brink

(Editor’s Note: This article is taken directly from https// Also a reminder that Hunter was one of 265 mainly Republicans  who voted to reverse a landmark FCC privacy rule in March 2017 opening the door for ISPs to sell customer data. Lawmakers provided no credible reason for this being in the interest of Americans.  The only people who wanted this were the people who were going…

I am Republican, and voting for Campa-Najjar

I am a lifelong Republican from El Cajon. That’s why I’m supporting Ammar Campa-Najjar against Duncan Hunter in the 50th Congressional District contest Nov. 6. Republicans Must Return to their Principles or Lose Women Voters Like Me. It’s been a long, strange trip downward for the Republican Party. Today, the values we once championed are overshadowed by finger-pointing and yelling. Public debate has shifted from…

Hunter losing it with one week to go

Ammar Campa-Najjar is now in a dead heat with federally indicted grifter Duncan Duane Hunter Jr. in the race for California’s 50th Congressional District. Hunter won the June 6 primary by 32 percentage points. A poll released Tuesday showed Hunter and Campa-Najjar statistically tied. Furthermore, in a district where Republicans typically far outperform Democrats in early voting, Hunter held a mere 49-48 percent lead in voters…