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Communities lose when local news dies

It is a story of corruption that will stay secret, politicians who will need fewer votes to win, even dangerous communicable diseases that will spread faster as our best scientists struggle to fight them. The story is the slow and painful demise of local newspapers, a story whose ending is not yet written but which — without bold intervention and strong reader support — could…

Rincon Middle School of fish trouts Miramar

Over the next month, North County schools will be releasing classroom-raised trout into Lake Miramar to conclude the The Escondido Creek Conservancy’s Trout in the Classroom program. The latest school to dive in is Rincon Middle School in Escondido. The 8th grade science teacher at Rincon, Bruce Peterson, is very enthusiastic about Trout in the Classroom. “I’ve always wanted to do this program, so I’m…

Lake Hodges good to go at 2/3rds capacity

More rain in one of San Diego County’s rainiest of winter seasons is expected to drop an inch or two across the San Diego region Wednesday through Friday, but Lake Hodges Dam is holding strong. The dam has spilled and last overflowed February-to-March 2011. It also overflowed in February 2005. However, despite a small El Nino pineapple express of rains this season, while Lake Hodges…

CSUSM Super STEM science fair Saturday

What: Super STEM Saturday, a free interactive science festival for all ages When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Saturday, March 9, 2019 Where: California State University San Marcos 333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos Complimentary parking in Lots E, F, H. Science can be fun and the kids are going to prove it the California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) campus from 10 a.m….

Tales from the brighter side of long-term care

It’s been a few months now since we first launched our #BrightenUpLTC campaign, hoping to shine a light on the positive occurrences that are happening in nursing homes across the country. We’ve received dozens of responses since that initial November call and have highlighted a handful already in our Brighter Side feature. I just wanted to take a few minutes to highlight a few of the…

DMV reorganizes, recycling disappoints

As California continues to look for ways to curb long wait times at Department of Motor Vehicle offices, state lawmakers are introducing a series of proposals to help out motorists, including one that would permit vehicle registration every two years instead of annually. Under Senate Bill 460, the DMV’s director would be authorized to permit biennial registration beginning on Jan. 1, 2020. Subsequent vehicle registration…

North County Congressional Town Hall killed

Much-ballyhooed and sold out within hours of announcement, the All North County Congressional Town Hall scheduled for March 19 at MiraCosta College Concert Hall, Oceanside was cancelled abruptly Friday afternoon. Rep. Duncan Hunter, (R-50th Congressional District) and Rep. Mike Levin (D-49th Congressional District) were scheduled to attend the 2-hour evening event primarily arranged by the San Diego North Economic  Development Council. Additional sponsors included the…

Olga Diaz addresses Jay Petrek questions

After six weeks of trying to get answers about Escondido Assistant Manager Jay Petrek’s appointment to the San Marcos City Council, Escondido Councilwoman Olga Diaz sent answers to The Grapevine on Thursday, Feb. 28. That leaves Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara, Deputy Mayor Consuelo Martinez and council members John Masson and Michael Morasco to go. Thank you. As the Washington Post states on its masthead: “Democracy Dies…

Rep. Duncan Hunter tries to remain relevant

Indicted for campaign finance fraud and awaiting a September federal court trial, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District, CA.) does what he can to remain relevant. Although he has been banished from congressional committees, and doesn’t respond to non-conservative media outlets, Hunter has continued to make controversial comments and stands, take questionable donations and make suspect re-election campaign expenditures. Hunter is scheduled to make a rare…

Flower Fields blooming business through May

The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch opened Friday The final day? It’s always Mother’s Day, which is May 12 in 2019. El Nino rain in February should mean magnificent Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch blooms now in session through May 12. Mellano & Company of San Luis Rey is the production arm and onsite grower. The Ecke family owns the land. Over 50 acres are devoted to…