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ACLU to ICE: Get Coronavirus act together

Today, Wednesday, March 11, the ACLU Foundation of California sent letters to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) immigration detention center officials urging them to develop a comprehensive emergency plan for the prevention and management of potential Coronavirus (or COVID-19) cases at its detention centers. In the letters, the ACLU asks for written responses from ICE and other detention center officials that explain how they…

Escondido Councilman John Masson dies

Escondido city officials announced Wednesday morning that longtime Escondido Councilman John Masson has died. Flags at all city facilities, including City Hall, offices and parks, were lowered shortly after 10 a.m. and will remain lowered until the day of Masson’s internment. Masson, who was 55 years old, died after a yearlong battle with cancer. Funeral services are pending. The city-issued statement said: “The Escondido City…

Three-dot lounge visits fowl, fish and features

There was a method to the madness of presenting San Francisco legend Herb Caen’s three-dot lounge history along with its various re-interpretations. That was to set up Escondido Grapevine’s own three-dot lounge approach to local news. For more about the concept, visit our story here. For more local three-dot news, keep on trucking below… Lake Hodges Wildlife gets down to business First came the mating of…

San Diego police stop black people at a rate 219 percent higher than white people

“They did what human beings looking for freedom, throughout history, have often done. They left.” These are the words of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson in her book, “The Warmth of Other Suns.” The book follows the story of three Black Southerners and their journey escaping racial violence — a sharecropper’s wife who left Mississippi in the 1930s for Chicago, an agricultural worker who left…

Ethnic Studies gallery pops up at CSUSM

For Jason Magabo Perez, it’s not enough to stand in front of his Ethnic Studies classroom and lecture. In his teaching career, Perez has never been content with simply assigning readings, distributing exams and grading papers. The first-year Cal State San Marcos assistant professor subscribes to the idea that hands-on learning sticks with students longer. The world is the best classroom in Perez’s philosophy. Hence…

Coronavirus first responders on the front lines

When first responders answered roughly 10 calls from a long-term care center in Kirkland, Washington, over the course of a week, they did not expect to become patients themselves. Entering the Life Care Center of Kirkland last month exposed them to the novel coronavirus that sickens people with an illness known as COVID-19. Because the emergency calls came before authorities realized the virus was circulating…

International Women’s Day, anyone?

Today, March 8 is International Women’s Day. Honored throughout the world, free and otherwise — it used to be a staple for communist celebration in th Soviet union and Bloc — it generally gets short thrift in the United States. Said to commemorate an 1857 strike by women workers in New York, the effort to set aside a day to celebrate women’s achievements and assess…

Ammar rocks 50th, March 3 election results

Ammar Campa-Najjar led the way in 50th Congressional District and top county results Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar advanced to the run-off in the race to fill the vacancy left by disgraced former Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter in California’s 50th District. Campa-Najjar will likely face former Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who’s attempting a congressional comeback, and beat out former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio in the all-party primary held on…

Escondido student blazes trail at Harvard

Escondido student Juan Reynoso is about to step into largely unchartered territory. When he graduates this spring, he’ll be only the second person to have completed a new joint Master in Public Health (MPH)/Master in Urban Planning (MUP) degree program. Launched in 2016 by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), the program allows students to pursue a…