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Farmers, ranchers seek better wildfire policies

“Hours had passed and the fire’s coming down the hill; it had just taken us over, so we start packing what we could as we watched my son’s house burn and our whole hemp farm burn right in front of our own eyes. It was a devastating experience,”  — Jamul hemp farmer Eddie Campos described watching his crop and homes burn, saying his initial 911…

Getting a bit cooler out there this week

Forecasters are expecting cooler weather across San Diego County this week, with a steady stream of high clouds continuing through much of Saturday. Dense fog affected portions of the coast Saturday morning, with multiple reports of visibilities below 100-200 feet, the National Weather Service said. “Nonetheless, temperatures should warm nicely into the high 70s and low 80s for most inland valleys, making this the warmest…

Escondido, Rancho Santa Fe news briefs

News from around the Escondido-Rancho Santa Fe-San Marcos region… Get in shape at the park when COVID dies down Escondido officials Wednesday Nov. 18, unveiled a new outdoor fitness court located at Mountain View Park, 1160 South Citrus Avenue. This capital project is a featured part of a 2020 initiative launched by National Fitness Campaign (NFC), a nationwide consulting organization that partners with cities to…

SD Dems facing ‘curse of the supermajority’

The Wisconsin of the West No More: San Diego is Now a Democratic Stronghold, What Will This Mean for Local Progressives and the Future of the City? With all the focus rightfully placed on the national picture, it’s worth noting how historic the election was here in San Diego. With Democratic victories in the County Board of Supervisors races, only one Republican left on the…

Chainsaw training stumps local eucalyptus

In our never-ending battle against invasive species, chainsaws are a most important tool. But the safety of our staff and volunteers always takes precedent. So, last month, Conservancy staff, volunteers, and some of our conservation partners spent a full day learning the basics of chainsaw safety and maintenance. “Investing in this training is worth it,” said Conservancy Land Director Hannah Walchak, “because not knowing how…

Donald Trump, Rebecca Jones deny COVID

Donald Trump says his use of social media, countering what he calls fake news, made him president. This morning, as I watched the DOW sink by more than 900 points (so much for his recovering economy), I came upon President Tweet’s latest rant: “Covid, Covid, Covid is the unified chant of the Fake News Lamestream Media. They will talk about nothing else until November 4th,…

SD County slips to COVID purple tier limits

After posting a case rate of more than 7 cases per 100,000 residents for two consecutive weeks, the state is placing San Diego County in the Purple Tier, the most restrictive level of its system that limits activities based on risk of spreading COVID-19. The County’s case rate increased to 7.4, then 8.9 over the past two weeks; therefore, the region must stop indoor operations…

Coffee grower brewing San Marcos success

San Diego County agriculture is well-known for citrus and avocados. Kyle Rosa is counting on coffee joining this list. Rosa, owner of Bluetail Coffee Grove, started growing coffee on a 2.5-acre farm in San Marcos last year. After 15 years in the finance industry, Rosa and his wife moved from San Francisco to start their new venture. The new farmer quickly turned to the Vallecitos…

San Onofre radioactive waste storage dust-up

The decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) has been riddled with controversies since it was shuttered in 2013, undermining public confidence in Southern California Edison’s management of highly radioactive nuclear waste which will be stored on-site for the foreseeable future. In 2018 for example, a whistleblower exposed how a 54-ton canister loaded with radioactive waste nearly plummeted 18 feet because of a design flaw…

Pot wins big across county, state ballots

Election Day not only ushered in marijuana legalization wins in five states, it also brought more than two dozen victories at the city and county levels in California, opening the door to new local markets for cannabis businesses up and down the state. All told, there were at least 37 marijuana ballot questions in 35 cities and counties, according to tallies by California NORML and…