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San Marcos leaders seek to stifle free speech

The San Marcos City Council got off to a bad start during its first in-person meeting in over a year on Tuesday, May 11, and what did they do? They made the first move to limit free speech in the Valley of Discovery. Mayor Rebecca Jones along with City Council members Randy Watson, Sharon Jenkins, and Ed Musgrove voted to limit the rights of residents to…

San Diego tribes fight to close digital divide

A recent House Subcommittee on Natural Resources on infrastructure on tribal lands found an enormous physical and digital divide. The White House and tribes nationwide are counting on the America’s Jobs Plan to close that divide. And while the plan moves through Congress, one man continues his work to make sure tribes within the Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association (SCTCA) have access to broadband. “We’re…

Climate change uncertainty hurts everyone

Tarik Benmarhnia didn’t plan on ending up here, in an office overlooking the pier at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. As a young student in France, he started out studying environmental engineering, with an interest in soil decontamination. During his schooling, he developed an interest in environmental justice. That eventually drove him to pursue a Ph.D. in epidemiology. Most stories about climate change…

Sad tale of RSF’s Cox zombie governor run

(Editor’s Note: Rancho Santa Fe’s clown prince John Cox got laughed out of the last state gubernatorial race. He is reprising his ridiculous role in the 2021 faux recall attempt and ridiculous next race for governor, which Gov. Gavin Newsom will win easily while we, the people, have to pay for it. Cox is a joke. What else do you want to know.) Cox, a…

Ride, Sally Ride

Editor’s Note: Last May represented a great month for Americans in space. SpaceX became the first private corporation to launch people in space as Dragon capsule blasted off from the Kennedy Space Center, carrying two NASA astronauts up, up and away from United States soil for the first time in nearly a decade. As it hurtled towards the International Space Center, the day’s hurrahs extended to…

Ray Paulick’s View From the Eighth Pole: Del Mar can add year-round stability to Cal racing

(Editor’s Note: Ray Paulick’s Report, based at Lexington, Kentucky, is an authoritative home for Thoroughbred racing news shining light on the horse industry. North America’s leading independent Thoroughbred racing website can be found at California’s horse racing industry has never been good at long-range planning. Instability will do that. Historic Bay Meadows racetrack in San Mateo in the Bay Area was shuttered for development…

Follow the money: Joel Anderson edition

(Editor’s note: Oh, what a long, strange trip it’s been for former state Sen. Joel Anderson who, like Old Man River, keeps running for political office while playing fast and loose with campaign finance laws, along. Over 10 years ago, when he was a state assemblyman from La Mesa, Joel Anderson was the subject of an investigation into questionable campaign contributions that ended with election…

Maskholes like Jim Desmond want us dead

I’ve reached the breaking point on the ideological crusade built around self-victimization over attempts to slow or stem the coronavirus. Yes, I’m a high risk individual, but that’s not the reason why I’m ranting today. I’m just one part of a much bigger picture, namely the portion of the population certain politicians think is expendable in the name of profit. The nation is in the…

Why can’t I get that damn stimulus payment?

Despite trying to receive my economic stimulus payment since March 12 and about 25+ hours of efforts including dozens of phone calls to your agency and other agencies and more numerous online attempts than I can count, I have not received anything. The distribution of this payment to myself and some others is completely broken and unresponsive. The “where is my stimulus” website simply said…