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Hunter, Waldron no-go at CSUSM forum

To help students become more engaged in the political process, Cal State San Marcos decided to bring the politicians to them on Tuesday, Oct. 9, exactly four weeks before the election. About 150 students, faculty, staff and community members turned out for CSUSM’s first candidate forum, held in the ballroom of the University Student Union. Of the six candidates invited, four were in attendance: Ammar Campa-Najjar, running to…

Duncan Hunter ‘Op-Ed’ annotated

[Editor’s note: Hard to believe the congressman from grift-ville can see through his alcoholic and federally ordered drug testing haze to compose an op-ed piece, meager and ridiculous as it is, but there you have it. USA Today did the dishonor of publishing “Duncan Hunter: Evidence will trump political agendas” without even the courtesy of identifying it as a satirical take. Here it is, annotated…

Golden State’s crazy, cheezy dreams

It’s World Cheese Day, don’t you know… Gold rush opportunists, hippie goat ladies, Latino newcomers: California entrepreneurs dream of cheese: The idea for Humboldt Fog goat’s milk cheese first came to Mary Keehn in a dream. She fell asleep on an airplane and awoke with a vivid picture in her mind of how the cheese looked. And then she set out to realize her vision –…

VC horse rescue wracked by fraud, abuse

Attorney General’s Office halts HiCaliber’s fundraising, spending for failing to file tax docs HiCaliber Horse Rescue, a Valley Center nonprofit embroiled in allegations of fraud and animal abuse, can no longer raise or spend money until it submits proper financial disclosures to the state. The California Attorney General’s Office sent HiCaliber a letter Friday stating the nonprofit is considered “delinquent” for failing to submit federal…

Local flu deaths up, worst may be over

The number of flu deaths reported in San Diego County reached a new high, while at the same time lab-confirmed cases went down again, the County Health and Human Services Agency announced today. A total of 142 flu deaths have been reported through Jan. 13, 2018, the highest ever since the County began tracking fatalities about 20 years ago. The previous deadliest flu season was…

Duncan Hunter aka ‘uberjaeger’ trolls web

(This is the first in a series of articles and editorials scheduled through 2018 drilling down into the behavior and alleged criminality of Rep. Duncan Hunter — R-50th Congressional District. As a public service, The Grapevine will be taking a more pro-active role in coming months examining Hunter’s activities and behavior.) (DUNCAN HUNTER #1) Fun with Duncan on the world wide web Welcome to the…

‘On Golden Pond’ at Welk Theater

The details  “On Golden Pond” plays through November 5, 2017 at Welk Resort Theatre San Diego, 8860 Lawrence Welk Drive, Escondido. Friday at 8 pm; Saturday at 1 and 8 pm; Sunday at 1 pm. Tickets: (888) 802-7469 Director Randall Hickman has a good feel for placement and emotional space. A frayed father-daughter bond and the problems of aging are the concerns of Ernest Thompson’s…

Want to escape? Take a stab at Clue Ave.

Part game, part theater, part team-building exercise, escape rooms are taking off around the world, and that includes Escondido and San Marcos. Growth has been explosive. The number of permanent rooms world-wide has gone from zero at the outset of 2010 to at least 2,800 worldwide today, according to MarketWatch calculations based on rooms registered to escape-room directories. The concept was birthed in Japan, spread…

Local farms hurt by lack of workers

Across San Diego County and California, farmers and ranchers face chronic problems in finding and hiring qualified and willing people to work in agriculture, according to a survey conducted by the California Farm Bureau Federation. The informal survey of Farm Bureau members showed that more than half of responding farmers had experienced employee shortages during the past year. The figure was higher among farmers who…

Cal ACLU blasts Trump DACA sham

Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced President Trump’s intent to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and in doing so, he has callously reneged on the government’s commitment to hundreds of thousands of American youth. The DACA program is a critical lifeline for nearly 800,000 young immigrants who came to this country as children. For most, the United States is the only…