
High-density avocado plantings profitable?

Growers considering producing avocados in San Diego County with high-density plantings now have help to determine the economic feasibility. A new study on the costs and returns of establishing and producing avocados in San Diego County has been released by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources’ Cooperative Extension, UC Agricultural Issues Center and the UC Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Avocado has been one…

4 citrus disease pests found in Fallbrook

During routine pest trapping in Fallbrook this week, state agricultural inspectors detected bacteria on an insect that can cause a plant disease. It is not harmful to people or animals, but is deadly to citrus trees and is a dangerous agricultural threat, they said. California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) inspectors on December 28 collected a group of four adult Asian citrus psyllids (ACP)…

SD County slips to COVID purple tier limits

After posting a case rate of more than 7 cases per 100,000 residents for two consecutive weeks, the state is placing San Diego County in the Purple Tier, the most restrictive level of its system that limits activities based on risk of spreading COVID-19. The County’s case rate increased to 7.4, then 8.9 over the past two weeks; therefore, the region must stop indoor operations…

San Diego Food Vision 2030 re-imagines

The San Diego Food System Alliance (SDFSA) invites San Diego County residents to provide input as they develop the final set of strategies for Food Vision 2030. After a robust community engagement process earlier this summer, SDFSA has developed a short survey for residents to select strategies that are most important to them and their communities. Food Vision 2030 is a bold, 10-year plan and movement to cultivate a…

Carpetbagging Issa refers to coronavirus, wildfires as ‘moronic doomsday scenarios’

Got to hand it to the carpetbagging, shameless Darrell Issa, who self-quarantined himself from his 49th Congressional District home in 2018 due to voter revulsion. He says coronavirus is the result of a left-wing conspiracy. Actual fact, this is what Issa said in a fundraising letter district voters received this week: “I won’t ignore the true threats to our national security because of moronic doomsday…

COVID-19: Smoke-free outdoor dining

As the death, disease, and financial devastation wrought by COVID-19 begins to recede in some communities, restaurants are eager to re-open in ways that will protect customer and employee health while re-establishing profitability. And diners are salivating at the thought of savoring their favorite meals and supporting the restaurant community. “Smoke-free outdoor dining promotes healthy air and capitalizes on the intensive sanitizing efforts already implemented…

Escondido city news: Seeking new councilperson, sex crimes and bad puppies

Desperately seeking new Escondido city council member The City of Escondido is accepting applications for a potential appointment to the Escondido City Council to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Council Member John Masson, effective March 10, 2020. City Council members decided to appoint during a strange, virtual night meeting Wednesday, March 25 with most of the members and city staff teleconferencing in…

Escondido gets serious about smoke-free

The Escondido City Council voted unanimously on March 5 to move forward with an ordinance prohibiting smoking and vaping in outdoor dining areas, public places including sidewalks, and public events such as parades. The smoke-free policy will come back for final approval on April 1 and, if approved, will become effective 30 days later. A new policy requiring all tobacco retailers to obtain a license…

Coronavirus Escondido, SD schools update

(Editor’s Note: We will be updating coronavirus information on a regular basis starting today, March 16, 2020. This is not intended as a comprehensive source, but aims to highlight resources and news of interest to the community.) San Diego County schools closed, student meals continue The kids, hopefully, will be — apologies to The Who — alright, but they’ll be doing it at home for…

Kaitlyn Rose fundraiser odd mix of giving, TV

(Editor’s Note The block party-style event, hosted by stars of the restaurant makeover show, raised at least $119,000 for Kaitlyn Rose “Rosie” Pilsbury, 33, the owner of Rosie’s Cafe who was struck by a white Ford Explorer while she was riding her Harley Davidson motorcycle through Vista, according to KNSD 39/7 San Diego.) Got to give it to  to reality TV makeover chef Robert Irvine…