
SD Dems facing ‘curse of the supermajority’

The Wisconsin of the West No More: San Diego is Now a Democratic Stronghold, What Will This Mean for Local Progressives and the Future of the City? With all the focus rightfully placed on the national picture, it’s worth noting how historic the election was here in San Diego. With Democratic victories in the County Board of Supervisors races, only one Republican left on the…

Donald Trump, Rebecca Jones deny COVID

Donald Trump says his use of social media, countering what he calls fake news, made him president. This morning, as I watched the DOW sink by more than 900 points (so much for his recovering economy), I came upon President Tweet’s latest rant: “Covid, Covid, Covid is the unified chant of the Fake News Lamestream Media. They will talk about nothing else until November 4th,…

San Onofre radioactive waste storage dust-up

The decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) has been riddled with controversies since it was shuttered in 2013, undermining public confidence in Southern California Edison’s management of highly radioactive nuclear waste which will be stored on-site for the foreseeable future. In 2018 for example, a whistleblower exposed how a 54-ton canister loaded with radioactive waste nearly plummeted 18 feet because of a design flaw…

Carpetbagging Issa refers to coronavirus, wildfires as ‘moronic doomsday scenarios’

Got to hand it to the carpetbagging, shameless Darrell Issa, who self-quarantined himself from his 49th Congressional District home in 2018 due to voter revulsion. He says coronavirus is the result of a left-wing conspiracy. Actual fact, this is what Issa said in a fundraising letter district voters received this week: “I won’t ignore the true threats to our national security because of moronic doomsday…

Issa’s Trump trade job burned to the ground

When it comes to carpetbagger Darrell Issa, the California 50th Congressional District race is not a prime example of sloppy seconds, but of sloppy thirds. First, Issa was such a coward in 2018 that when he realized he might lose his California 49th Congressional District seat due to demographic and voter registration shifts along with Dotard Trump backlash, not to mention revulsion over his piss…

Escondido issues ‘COVID-19 Action Plan’ (Updated 4/23: 96 dead, hundreds laid off.)

(Editor’s Note: We will be updating coronavirus information on a regular basis. This report is for Thursday April 23, 2020. It is not intended as a comprehensive source, but aims to highlight resources and news of interest to the community.) San Diego County cases rise dramatically The angel of death descended on San Diego County yet again as the local death count hit 96 person…

Caregivers essential in COVID-19 crisis

Feeling restless and useless isolated at home wondering what I could do to help others during this virus crisis. Not being able to work at a food bank or deliver items to seniors, I thought my knowledge with caregivers could be valuable somehow. How San Diego County and the state of California can get access to more home care providers Caregivers are essential to get…

Ammar Campa-Najjar: Mobilize the military

Make no mistake: We are at war with the coronavirus. In the wake of this public health crisis, people are scared, unsure and know the worst is yet to come. Working parents are sheltering in place worrying about their child’s next meal and their own job security. Small businesses that have been forced to shut down are struggling to meet overhead costs and keep employees…

ACLU to ICE: Get Coronavirus act together

Today, Wednesday, March 11, the ACLU Foundation of California sent letters to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) immigration detention center officials urging them to develop a comprehensive emergency plan for the prevention and management of potential Coronavirus (or COVID-19) cases at its detention centers. In the letters, the ACLU asks for written responses from ICE and other detention center officials that explain how they…