
No taxation without representation, Hunter

Spoiler alert. Rep, Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District), like his President idol (for now) Donald Trump should do everyone a favor and resign. Considering Hunter’s multiple transgressions, topped off by breaking the law by spending campaign finance $$$ for his, and his family’s, personal expenses, self-admitted by Hunter: The vape, on-the-take, Hunter managed to outdo himself last week. Hunter VOTED FOR THE GOP TAX PLAN…

Duncan Hunter blows hard on vaping rules

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th Congressional District) this month has ducked constituents refusing to hold a town hall. He has been nowhere to be found to answer for his promise to vote for the Republican tax bill raising taxes on the people he pretends to represent. However, the self-admitted spender of campaign funds for personal expenses now under federal criminal investigation for spending campaign funds for…

Trump targets Issa, the last Cal Republicans

It’s hard to know exactly what shape Republican “tax reform” will take. Many details are missing from the “framework” that the administration presented last month. (Describing actions, or promises of action, by the Donald Trump administration often necessitates the use of quotation marks.) But it must have seemed a good idea to someone to complement Trump’s culture war against liberals with a fiscal war. The…

Vapidly vaping Hunter blows hard again

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest congressional asshole of all? Move over Dana Rohrbacher, (R-48th District), the former gold standard for such a dubious honor, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) has got you beat by a vaporizing mile. As if air travel weren’t horrible enough, Hunter, the congressman from Alice’s Wonderland, would like to allow people to vaporize on airplanes, too. This didn’t…

Add ‘Russian traitor’ to Hunter’s legacy

Aside from continuing to spend — illegally — campaign funds on personal expenses like donor trips to Las Vegas, add being a Russian stooge to the dubious legacy of Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District). In a column posted on his congressional website, Hunter, who has repeatedly ducked another town hall following his disastrous Ramona affair in March, has put forth a hearty defense of his…

Turn Duncan Hunter over, he’s done

Step off Duncan Hunter, time to resign… You know the Monopoly card everybody dreads:  “Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.” Hello, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District). Looks like you got served. Hunter wasn’t playing with Monopoly money, unfortunately, but with $62,000 — that we know of now, it definitely was more — of campaign donor money illegally used for…

Duncan Duane Hunter’s town hall from hell

Deep state. Thousands of Obama appointees trying to take down Donald Trump from the inside as part of an Orwellian government that controls us. An intelligence community, FBI and Department of Justice “that have been infiltrated by seditious Obama folks that want to go after the President.” Or how about defending Judeo-Christian values that we have in this country. And then there’s “The Hunter Plan”…

Defeat the gun lobby, support these people

Are you sick and tired of gun violence and the barely contained flood of weapons on our streets? Time to drill down to the local election level to get the ball rolling against the pernicious gun lobby and people who make our streets unsafe due to the abundance of guns allowed in our society. This issue has caused us to endorse several candidates for local…

Lilac Hills Ranch ‘Measure B’: ‘What a revoltin’ development this is…’

 It was a classic and pretty much forgotten today radio-then-TV show, “Life of Riley,” starring William Bendix as wing riveter Chester A. Riley, who tag-lined in outrage  “What a revoltin’ development this is,” when life, as it always seemed to on that venerable show, went wrong. It happened every week back then and it’s happening again around North County. Nobody in North County wants the…

Can Duncan Hunter come out & debate?

It happens every congressional election year, like death and taxes. Like father, like son, Duncan Hunter don’t need no stinking debates. Hunter Sr. was infamous for ducking debates against contenders. Now, his son, and heir to the 60-percent Republican registered 50th Congressional District fiefdom of a seat, is following the same path in daddy’s footsteps. There’s a delicious irony to this refusal to tell voters…