Breaking News

Escondido takes a knee for George Floyd

Escondido took a knee at high noon Wednesday, June 3, 2020. That’s when Mayor Paul “Mac” McNamara, Council member Mike Morasco, Escondido Police Chief Varso, Yusef Miller of Racial Justice Coalition San Diego, Rev. Meg Decker of Escondido Together and other leaders and community members held a peaceful vigil in honor of George Floyd at City Hall. An estimated 200 people attended. With the coronavirus devil…

Hunter sentenced to 11 months in prison

Former California Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville) has been sentenced to 11 months in prison after pleading guilty to misspending campaign funds. The funds bankrolled private school tuition for his children, his wife’s shopping sprees, weekend trips with his mistress and drinking parties in Washington. The former Marine’s defense attorneys had asked for home confinement, citing his military service, including fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prosecutors…

ACLU to ICE: Get Coronavirus act together

Today, Wednesday, March 11, the ACLU Foundation of California sent letters to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) immigration detention center officials urging them to develop a comprehensive emergency plan for the prevention and management of potential Coronavirus (or COVID-19) cases at its detention centers. In the letters, the ACLU asks for written responses from ICE and other detention center officials that explain how they…

Hunter a no-show at Trump Impeachment

Where in the world was Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville) when the historic impeachment of President Donald Trump went down on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019? Who knows. Although we know where he wasn’t. At the impeachment. Hunter had the distinction of being one of three lawmakers — Republican Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois and Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano of New York were the others— who missed the historic…

Thanks for nothing. Hunter political crime family says resignation ‘after the holidays’

It’s not exactly a holiday gift, but the criminal Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville) said Friday he would continue grifting despite his guilty plea for campaign finance fraud for at least three more weeks to a month. After repeated prodding by House leadership to get out of our lives and our district, Hunter said he will resign from Congress “shortly after the holidays.” “It has been an…

Wait, what? Hunter plea shows two pet bunnies flown on campaign fraud dollars

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Congressman Duncan D. Hunter Pleads Guilty to Stealing Campaign Funds Assistant U.S. Attorneys Emily W. Allen (619) 546-9738, W. Mark Conover (619) 546-6763 and Phillip L.B. Halpern (619) 546-6964 NEWS RELEASE SUMMARY – December 3, 2019 SAN DIEGO – U.S. Representative Duncan D. Hunter pleaded guilty in federal court today to the major count in his indictment, admitting…

Hunter to plead guilty to campaign fraud (Updated with plea details)

(Updated 1 p.m. PST, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2019: “Rep. Duncan Hunter pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to misuse campaign funds on Tuesday and is expected to resign from Congress before facing a prison sentence. “Hunter will be sentenced on March 17. A federal prosecutor said he planned to seek a sentence of at least one year in prison, according to the Associated Press….

Fire up: Windy, getting windier through Friday

Look around and feel the wind. It’s a blowing, and along with it, raising local fire risk to what are called “extreme” levels — a first — by state fire officials. Strong Santa Ana winds are expected again in San Diego County beginning late Tuesday night, raising the threat of wildfires through Thursday evening. The National Weather Service issued a red flag warning that will be…

Carpetbagger Issa in, criminal Hunter doomed in 50th Congressional District

It’s a crappy day to be Republican Duncan Hunter. It’s bad enough that his wife has been flipped by federal prosecutors. Now it’s clear his own political party wants him gone. And there are more questions about his most recent campaign finance report. This morning former 49th District Congressman Darrell Issa held a news conference to announce his candidacy for 50th District seat held by…

One Hunter down, one to go in fraud scandal

Margaret Hunter, a co-defendant in a federal fraud case with her husband Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville), changed her plea to guilty Thursday at a change of plea hearing in front of U.S. District Court Judge Thomas J. Whelan, at the San Diego courthouse. The couple misused about $250,000 in campaign donations for personal expenses, according to Hunter. In one incident, Rep. Hunter planned on buying a pair of…