
Wall, stinking ridiculous wall: Fun Facts Sheet

Wall, stinking ridiculous wall. Thanks to Donald Trump’s government shutdown and faux emergency order centered around his infantile obsession with “The Wall,” we’ve been media- and Republican-bombarded with wall talk. As the case with any hot journalism story, it’s the pleasure of The Grapevine to join the fray. This is possible due to the great reporting from inewsource, the non-profit public investigations news site based…

Bye Felicia time for good old boy from Alpine

Otherwise known as Rep. Duncan Hunter grifting out the string in 2019… Duncan Hunter’s 2019: No committee assignments, just the opportunity to run his mouth and vote against bills helping voters in California’s 50th Congressional District. And oh, by the way, a date with a U.S. District Court judge on Sept. 10. Hunter held on to his 50th district seat by just four percentage points…

Ammar Campa-Najjar hits comeback trail

Ammar Campa-Najjar makes it official It’s official, Campa-Najjar is back in the race to replace the disgraced, and clinging to a real person’s job in Congress, Duncan “Friggin’” Hunter. Campa-Najjar this week filed to run against Hunter in California’s 50th Congressional District in 2020, should Hunter even make it that far. Hunter’s date with campaign finance fraud destiny at Federal Court in September may result…

Let us now praise Bruce Kauffman

Mensch (Yiddish: מענטש‎ mentsh, cognate with the German word Mensch meaning a “human being”) means “a person of integrity and honor”.[1] Highly savvy in the ways of journalism, and a brilliant analyst of the ways of the world, Bruce Kauffman was the very epitome of a mensch. He always was ready to lend an ear to a friend’s tale of joy or woe and help…

Joel Anderson turns into political punchline

ALEC’s favorite legislator, previously guilty of campaign finance fraud and most lately known for drunkenly threatening to “bitch slap” a female lobbyist at a Sacramento bar this summer, career Republican politician Joel Anderson finally has been ejected from the body politic. And that’s just Anderson’s political punchline. Anderson was elected to the Senate in 2010 after serving in the Assembly for four years. He termed out…

Hunter poll watchers slow down vote count

Reports from the San Diego Registrar of Voters Saturday said Duncan Hunter poll watchers had begun challenging virtually every ballot with a Spanish-sounding surname being counted, slowing the vote count. Vote “observers” working on behalf of Hunter’s campaign were challenging ballots based on the contention they were not from US citizens and signatures didn’t match registration forms, according to reports. Many of the pro-Hunter “volunteer…

Grifter Duncan Hunter’s pyrrhic victory

Criminal grifter Duncan Duane Hunter Jr. stole his latest election metaphorically speaking since it was, at best, the epitome of a pyrrhic victory, defined as a victory “won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.” Fact is, Hunter’s 9 percentage point victory over Ammar Campa-Najjar means only that the 50th Congressional District will NOT be represented during the initial part…

John Oliver calls out criminal grifter Hunter

National laughingstock and criminal grifter Duncan Hunter made the national spotlight again Sunday night as political commentator John Oliver called him out along with another well-known racist, Steve King of rural Iowa. Hunter’s laugh-out-loud clown segment begins at around the 1:08 point in Oliver’s video shown here. With polling showing Ammar Campa-Najjar, an honest and competent person, statistically tied with the criminal grifter Hunter, the…

Duncan Hunter is a man on the brink

(Editor’s Note: This article is taken directly from https//duncanhunter.com. Also a reminder that Hunter was one of 265 mainly Republicans  who voted to reverse a landmark FCC privacy rule in March 2017 opening the door for ISPs to sell customer data. Lawmakers provided no credible reason for this being in the interest of Americans.  The only people who wanted this were the people who were going…

Ret. Marine Col. McNamara taking on Abed

Controversial two-term Republican Escondido Mayor Sam Abed has drawn a formidable opponent in the form of retired Marine Corps Col. Paul “Mac” McNamara. “I’m running for Mayor of Escondido because I believe we can get Escondido back on track,” McNamara said. “As a retired Marine Colonel, and a private sector executive who turned around struggling businesses, I know how to manage large organizations and get…