
CSUSM History: Little-known FDR ‘Black Cabinet’

As a Cal State San Marcos professor of history, of course, Jill Watts is also a student of history. Watts knew that many U.S. history textbooks, in the all-important pages about the hugely consequential Franklin Delano Roosevelt presidency, make passing references to what the black press of the day coined the “Black Cabinet,” an unofficial group of African-American advisers to FDR as he navigated the politics of the Great Depression and the New…

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Surveillance Pelicana Chapter 5: ‘People Behaving Badly’

SURVEILLANCE PELICANA BY DAN WEISMAN (The entire book appears at this link with chapters added after appearing online: Chapters 1-10: Chapters 11-20: Chapters 21-30:   CHAPTER FIVE Tyger works a case at Avondale. This chapter contrasts the official details of investigation with actual impressions. The Subject has a car accident while under observation. Tyger also works Hassan Ibn Ben Hassan in a…