Del Mar/Solana Beach/Encinitas/Carlsbad

Horses hit jackpot dough for just showing up at Del Mar

Now, I am standing on the sunny side of life when I tell you that the high-class citizens who dish out the cabbage at Del Mar are planning to spread a little extra sugar this summer This is very good news indeed for the horsemen who like to see a little more weight in their pockets when they turn for home. The season, which breaks…

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Move over Octomom, Birch Aquarium welcomes 70 baby weedy seadragons carried to birth by proud papa

Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego is celebrating the arrival of more than 70 tiny newborn Weedy Seadragons, which are incredibly difficult to breed and rear in captivity.  Only a handful of facilities have successfully hatched and reared this unique species of fish that are related to seahorses and pipefish. “This is huge for us. We’ve been working on this…