Articles by Special to The Grapevine

Palomar swim springs off the block

It was a scene to behold at Palomar’s Wallace Memorial Pool last month as schools from around San Diego and beyond came together to ring in the new season with the annual two-day Waterman Festival. The festival gives swimmers a chance to compete in all events in order to prepare for the new season. “It’s like a fun meet so everyone on all teams competes…

NCAA transition at San Marcos going smoothly, but not without initial hurdles

On a hot, sunny day, a breeze whips up a large cloud of dust in a construction lot on the campus of Cal State San Marcos. The curved, grey, unfinished building sits on the lot. It only stands out because there’s a lot of construction going on in the area. Otherwise, the grey blob with some white trim does nothing aesthetically to differentiate itself from…

OC Mom visits Escondido

Queen Califia’s Magical Circle ‘Beetlejuice Park’ in Escondido After visiting Grape Day Park with the kids earlier this month, one of our readers mentioned that we need to visit Queen Califia’s Magical Circle in Kit Carson Park in Escondido. The park was just a short drive away from Grape Day Park and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and ever since we were told about it, we…

EUSD trustee José Fragozo defends himself against DA election fraud complaint

The San Diego County District Attorney will be filing a criminal complaint against José Fragozo charging him with misrepresenting his domicile for purposes of being elected to the Escondido Union School District (EUSD) Board. Fragozo will be arraigned at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 4. He denies any criminal wrongdoing and will defend himself in court against these false charges. Fragozo, an elected EUSD Board member, called…

Valley Center’s Morgan Leigh and band are getting around

Last June we released our first debut album, “Trouble” which was a huge stepping stone for us. It was our first project we wrote, produced, and sold on our own. Plus, it was 100 percent funded on Kickstarter with the help of our friends, family, and fans which makes it even more special to us. Last summer I got to do something I have always dreamed…

Active vs. passive portfolio management

 Proponents of active portfolio management believe that a skilled investment manager can generate returns that outperform a benchmark index. Advocates of passive investing argue that the best way to capture overall market returns is to use low-cost index-based investments. All investing involves risk, including the potential loss of capital, and there can be no guarantee that any investing strategy will be successful. A portfolio invested…

The Joys and Financial Challenges of Parenthood

The Joys and Financial Challenges of Parenthood Children are special. There’s nothing like them. They can be our sweetest blessing, as well as our biggest frustration. Most of all, however, they are our greatest responsibility, as well as our most important–and expensive–commitment. Whether you are a first-time parent or a veteran of refereeing sibling squabbles and who-put-the-empty-milk-carton-back-in-the-fridge inquisitions, parenthood can be both wonderfully rewarding and…

11 Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market

11 Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market Words to ponder “Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” –Warren Buffett “Most of the time common stocks are subject to irrational and…


How will our region look and feel in 2050? How many more of us will there be? How will we travel around? What will be the key environmental issues of the day? What will our greenhouse gas emissions be? Earlier this summer, the local chapters of the American Planning Association and the Association of Environmental Professionals hosted a membership appreciation event highlighting San Diego Association…

September Horticulture: Plan your landscape and garden for fall

Okay, ready, set……no wait!  This is the month for planning your landscape and garden areas.  Careful planning ahead can save you a lot of time, energy, money and regrets. It is still summer weather and  can be quite hot and dry this month.  Don’t worry, next month is the best planting time of the year.  Try to hold off your Fall planting for a few…