Articles by dweisman

Lucky in Love styled wedding shoot at iconic Bheau View Ranch

A good rustic chic style wedding venue is hard to find. Make that nearly mission impossible. Have no fear. Bheau View Ranch is here. Venue, value and mission made July 7, 2015 a special day for a chic group of wedding service vendors at the classy urbane rustic ranch. “It was a great experience,” Bheau View Ranch owner Shera Sandwell said. “The shoot accentuated all…

Stone Brewing CEO Greg Koch kicks himself upstairs (Video)

Quirky, but successful, Stone Brewery co-founder Greg Koch kicked himself upstairs this week to a higher calling. After serving as Stone’s CEO since its 1996 founding, Koch named himself executive chairman doing pretty much what he has been doing for a while, long-term strategy and planning. Koch even announced the beginning of the  search for a a new him, the new CEO. “This is not…

Kersplat! From Airsoft to high velocity, Mr. Paintball USA is shooting up Lake Wohlford Road

Red, white and/or blue, maybe yellow, green and orange, Mr. Paintball USA is shooting up Lake Wohlford Road, but in the fun, non-lethal way. “When we’re reffing,” Raul Anda said, “We get shot all the time. The kids like playing the Airsoft games. They’re more like video games. We have several fields here, very fast action games; close quarter contact fields, special low impact games.”…

Mountain Bike Park appears stuck in the mud

A funny thing happened to the Valley Center, first-of-its-kind in San Diego County, mountain bike park. Well, maybe not, but the bike park promised for the start of the year continues to languish for lack of funds and available volunteer time. Steve Ford along with many of the Gravity Cycling Pirates bike team have contributed a lot of time and energy to getting the project…

No charges for Twelve Tribes member kidnap suspects

The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office announced recently no charges would be filed against three people accused of kidnapping a relative from the Twelve Tribes Community Church compound in Vista. A spokesman said kidnapping charges couldn’t “be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” The relative was Robert Martinez, 23, who joined the church in 2010. He and his wife, also a tribe member, were expecting…

State Sen. Joel Anderson (R-38th District) comes home to ALEC

Earlier this year, following his sub rosa Washington D.C. meetings with the chief Geico lobbyist, we asked the question: Where in the world is state Sen. Joel Anderson, R-38th District? He’s your state senator in case  you didn’t know, and he was about as far from Sacramento as possible. Answering that question is easy this week. Anderson is at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San…

Seafood on the go: El Crazy Fish reeling in customers at North County intersection

Fish up. While developers dither and county officials dally about doing something at the confluence of Valley Center and Cole Grade roads, Gabriel Pasdor is on the scene. El Crazy Fish is the name of his happening food truck game, and the people are eating it up. “There’s no other sea food around here,” Pasdor said between hearty rounds of dishing up the likes of…

Where have you gone, Pete Verboom Dairy?

Wind kicks across the site of the old, abandoned Pete Verboom Dairy just off Highway 76, west of Pala. Once an iconic and important dairy farm among hundreds of San Diego County dairy operations, Pete Verboom Dairy No. 1 and No. 2 are no more, and left blowing in the Pala Valley wind. Verboom was president of the San Diego County Milk Producers Council. He…

Drought-tolerant plants bloom at Waterwise Botanicals mega-nursery

There’s a drought on don’t you know, and Tom Jesch, founder and general manager of Waterwise Botanicals on Old Highway 395 knows it all too well. Waterwise, as the name implies, specializes in drought-tolerant plants and succulents. And when you say specialize, it means one of the most amazing displays of such landscaping materials here, there or anywhere. “Being water wise doesn’t mean it has…

A good egg is a little harder to find due to new state chicken cage law

Egg-laying chickens at Armstrong Egg Farms off N. Lake Wohlford Road “have less friends in their cage,” said a wry Ryan Armstrong this week, and egg prices have doubled since California’s Proposition 2 went into effect on January 1. That proposition approved by state voters in 2008 calls for 25 percent more room in chicken cages, effectively cutting the number of hens per cage in…