Articles by dweisman

Tweens and teens tech up and read ‘Wonder’ at Escondido Public Library

Take the Teen Tech Challenge at the Escondido Public Library March may come in like a lion, but it goes out like a techie as in Teen Tech Month running through March 31. “This is an annual celebration raising awareness about how libraries extend teens’ learning beyond the classroom by enabling their exploration and creation of content utilizing non-print resources,” Escondido Public Library teen librarian…

It’s a butterfly jungle out there

(Editor’s Note: To order tickets, go to the Butterfly Jungle sidebar ad to the right and click.) San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s Butterfly Jungle is roaring back into life through April 10. Immerse yourself in a flutter of delicate wings. Each spring, Hidden Jungle gets an added dose of color during the Butterfly Jungle event, when thousands of colorful butterflies hatch and add their fluttering…

Meet the new Vons, same as the old Vons

Forgive the deja vu feeling at Rancho Santa Fe Road and San Marcos Boulevard, but Vons is back in town. The once-and-future store has made a dizzying and stomach-returning journey from Vons to Haggen to Albertsons and back to Vons over the course of two years. Blink, and blink again, at 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 16 as the old Vons re-opens as — ta-da —…

Scott Peters — “Noteworthy Martian?” 52nd Congressional District turns extraterrestrial

The 52nd Congressional District race got curiouser and curiouser this week, what with candidates “passing” as Hispanic and allegations of “hypersexual noteworthy Martians.” Firstly, one of incumbent Democrat Scott Peters’ possible Republican opponents came out with a kind of Rebecca Dolezal scenario. You remember Dolezal, the NAACP official who turned out to be passing as an African-American, even though she turned out to be extremely…

Puhleeze: DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint, Sheriff’s drones, county homicide rate

DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint deja vu March 11 When exactly one alleged DUI driver is stopped out of 1,393 vehicles at the last Escondido DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint, but you have a $309,726 grant to set up DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoints, what do you do? Obviously, set up another DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint. That’s going to be the case on Friday, March 11. The checkpoint will be set up…

Utility, water work closes Escondido streets

Taking the road less traveled in the Robert Frost sense makes Escondido sense this month considering utility and water projects closing small stretches of two local streets. Stanley Lane between Ash Street and Conway Drive will be closed due to the installation of new wet and dry utility services until March 31. All work will be performed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No vehicles…

From water harvesting to butterfly gardening

Harvesting water: Beyond the barrel The Escondido Creek Conservancy (TECC) cordially invites you, the interested public to a free talk about harvesting rainwater. The talk centers on food security and the restoration of degraded lands, and takes place 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Elfin Forest Interpretive Center “This talk will explain how you can harvest thousands of gallons of rainwater on your property…

Good news, bad news for Stone Brewing

Kind of a good news, bad news month for Stone Brewing, the company that recently changed it’s name, dropping the “Co.” Good news first? Time for Oakquinox on March 20. “For the seventh year, Stone Brewing will be celebrating the ‘delicious extravagance’ that happens when beer meets wood,” officials said. “As if one needed an excuse to spend a day at the World Bistro &…

Escondido Police Cadet orientation set

To be a cop or not be a cop, if that is the question, the Escondido Police Department provides some answers at 7 p.m. Monday, March 7. Escondido Police and Explorer Post 2600 holds an orientation night event at that time at EPD’s community room at 1163 N. Centre City Pkwy at that time for Police Cadet applicants. All applicants must be at least 16…

Time for Panache at Escondido Arts Partnership Municipal Gallery

Jeopardy question of the day: What is panache? Defined as flamboyant confidence of style of manner, Panache also is the title of the Escondido Arts Partnership Municipal Gallery’s biggest and baddest, as in best, fundraiser of the year. Panache struts its stuff, and then some in the form of silent and live art auctions, food, drink and entertainment at 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday,…