Articles by dweisman

Hunter campaign finance gift keeps giving (Updated: Justice Department puts Hunter under criminal investigation)

UPDATED NOON THURSDAY:  “Rep. Duncan Hunter is under criminal investigation by the Justice Department over alleged campaign finance violations,” the House Ethics Committee announced Thursday. The Justice Department has now asked the Ethics Committee to hold off on any action against Hunter because of its own criminal probe into the lawmaker, according to a statement from Reps. Susan Brooks (R-Ind.) and Ted Deutch (D-Fla.), the chairwoman…

Don’t expect Lake Hodges Dam overflow

In a rainy season, Lake Hodges Dam last overflowed in February-March 2011 — it also overflowed in February 2005 — but despite the record rains this season, it looks to be standing tall and holding firm. The lake was at 75 percent capacity as of last week, according to the  City of San Diego’s Public Utilities Department that has owned and operated the reservoir and dam…

Jig up for Duncan Hunter this week?

House Ethics Committee scheduled to consider Hunter financial affairs Wednesday Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District) and his use of campaign funds for personal expenses is scheduled to come under review from the House Committee on Ethics at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 22. The committee announced the meeting in a Website posting Friday. However, before one gets too excited, consider that the committee previously set meetings…

Suspect arraigned in murder of church worker driving through gang war (Updated)

Documented gang member Dionicio Crespin Torrez Jr., 24, pleaded not guilty to murder, Friday, March 17 at the Vista Courthouse in connection with the murder of an Escondido woman who drove through a violent gang turf confrontation on the way home from Bible study. Torrez could face the death penalty. Superior Court Judge Cynthia Freehand denied bail citing “the allegations and my concern for public safety.” “On…

WorldStarHipHop founder Lee ‘Q’ O’Denat death due to natural causes, coroner rules

Rancho Santa Fe resident, and fabled founder of the popular and controversial street fight and music curated-video website, Lee “Q” O’Denat died of natural causes as a result of severe buildup of plaque near his heart and obesity, the San Diego County medical examiner’s office said in a full autopsy report released this week. O’Denat, only 43, died suddenly on Jan. 23 of a heart attack at…

Duncan Duane Hunter town hall (annotated)

This is an annotated version of Duncan Duane Hunter’s March 11 town hall keyed to Bethany Amborn’s video posted on Facebook. It’s not a complete transcript — but it’s close — done in academic transcript form using oral history techniques. Commentary is indicated by italics within brackets. Other breaks in the transcript, but pertaining to the town hall verbiage, is indicated in parenthesis. Approximate time…

Duncan Duane Hunter’s town hall from hell

Deep state. Thousands of Obama appointees trying to take down Donald Trump from the inside as part of an Orwellian government that controls us. An intelligence community, FBI and Department of Justice “that have been infiltrated by seditious Obama folks that want to go after the President.” Or how about defending Judeo-Christian values that we have in this country. And then there’s “The Hunter Plan”…

Police dragnet for gang members who shot woman headed home from church

No news was bad news as Escondido police renewed its call for somebody, anybody to come forward with information related to the slaying of a 55-year-old Escondido woman on her way home from church Tuesday night.   A beloved wife and church worker, Catherine Kennedy was struck in the head by gunfire when she passed near some kind of crossfire between rival gangs in the 1800 block…

On the road again: Desperately seeking new Philosophical Library home

Don’t look now but Escondido’s venerable Philosophical Library dating back to 1963 is nowhere to be found. It’s last Facebook page post was in October 2016 with a link to a GoFundMe page that had raised $238 — of a $20,000 goal — as of Friday, March 10, 2017. “Such a good cause, said Dionne Beeson for the self-funding page’s only post. “Even with all the e-books…

The Cafe at Harrah’s Rincon Casino

The Cafe at Harrah’s Rincon Casino 777 Harrah’s Rincon Way Valley Center, CA 92082 (760) 751-3100 Last week was Spring Break for Jake and T. To “celebrate”,  my folks got us a free room at Harrah’s Rincon Casino and we had a staycation. The resort is far enough away to feel like you’re out of town, but still close enough to home. On our first night we decided…