Articles by Bruce A. Kauffman

Poems and stories found in a box

    1. COME, THE REVOLUTION   Juan was at The winter solstice. But so was everyone. His last name Didn’t catch, Anonymously equal Under a setting sun.   Light comes from Many directions. Juanita from her skew line. Pablo across his fault-line Falling, falling, falling Towards wide white lines Covering ice-cream earth.   Fernando Real Knows nothing is real If you don’t feel It…

Real estate specialist devoted to career, family, community

Ring ring, brief pause; a few minutes later, ring ring again. “That’s the life of a working mother,” Escondido commercial/residential and senior housing specialist Sabrina Covington says with a laugh as she puts the phone that is ringing off the hook on mute. Sitting at the Escondido Promenade Starbucks, Covington looked out across the Escondido real estate market and saw that it was good. “I…

Tale of two stores; one opening, one closing

In striking contrast this week, one well-known local store was opening while another was closing. First, the Goodwill good news; then the Sports Authority not-so-good news story. Roof down and inventory destroyed, but not out, Goodwill Industries Thrift Shop re-opened for business at 550 W Washington Ave. on Friday, March 4 to crowds and kudos. Traffic was non-stop throughout the weekend spilling over to this…