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Duncan Duane Hunter’s town hall from hell

Deep state. Thousands of Obama appointees trying to take down Donald Trump from the inside as part of an Orwellian government that controls us. An intelligence community, FBI and Department of Justice “that have been infiltrated by seditious Obama folks that want to go after the President.” Or how about defending Judeo-Christian values that we have in this country. And then there’s “The Hunter Plan”…

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As Jose Fragozo’s legal world turns

Another day, another day in court has been set for Escondido Union School District Trustee Jose Fragozo. Judge Carlos Armour called for a pre-trial hearing on Wednesday, June 22 following Fragozo pleading not guilty to 13 felony charges related to allegedly misrepresenting his place of residence to run for school board. Fragozo’s attorney Victor Torres entered the plea. A preliminary hearing last month found enough…

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