Folks, you can’t make up this stuff: Former accused car thief who was arrested and eventually pleaded guilty to carrying a concealed weapon, Rep. Darryl Issa, (R-Bonsall???) said March 4 that he had “nominated President Donald Trump to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.”
For real?
“Not since Ronald Reagan has an American president better represented the national resolve of peace through strength or the fundamental case for a world without war. Remarkably, it was the 2024 election of Donald Trump – more than 10 weeks before his swearing in – that tangibly kickstarted the cause of peace in numerous regions of the world, and we are already seeing the benefits. I hope the Committee takes note of these extraordinary times and recognizes that President Trump ideally represents what the Nobel Peace Prize should stand for.”
— Darryl Issa
OK, let that sink in for a moment. LFG.

Rep. Darrell Issa, with all due respect to The Drifters, goes up on the roof in May 2017 to surveil protestors at his Vista office./Facebook
Issa, who had a bad conduct rating as a soldier — he also falsely claimed he was part of an elite bomb detecting unit that guarded President Nixon at the 1971 World Series; Nixon didn’t even attend — was demoted and accused by a fellow serviceman of stealing his car, according to San Francisco Chronicle investigative reporter Lance Williams, nominated Trump for a Nobel Prize.
Issa, who had a warehouse full of electronics that, one night in 1982, caught fire. Investigators later found “suspicious burn patterns,” according to Ryan Lizza, then a reporter for The New Yorker magazine, adding that investigators “found that less than three weeks before the blaze, Issa had increased the company’s fire insurance from $100,000 to more than $400,000,” nominated Trump for a Nobel Prize.
Issa, whose 2018 Trump nomination for U.S. Trade and Development Agency director crashed and burned, as a bipartisan group of senators, including strange bedfellows, Sens. Bob Menendez, Rand Paul and Republican Idaho senator Jim Risch, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that killed the appointment, behind closed doors, decided he was unfit for that office, nominated Trump for a Nobel Prize.
Not to belabor the Issa dumpster fire point, let us consider a few more factoids:
— Ethics watchdog American Family Voices filed a complaint with the House Office of Congressional Ethics alleging that Issa pressured the Securities and Exchange Commission to halt an investigation of Goldman Sachs shortly after he bought a huge stake in one of Goldman’s high-yield mutual funds, according to The Hill.
— Issa was implicated in a 2014 campaign finance scandal involving foreign national Gilbert Chagoury, who illegally funneled $30,000 to Issa’s campaign through straw donors, according to Truthout magazine. While Issa was not charged, the incident raised questions about his campaign’s oversight.
— As chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Issa led countless costly partisan investigations into the Obama administration, including the Benghazi attack and the IRS’s alleged targeting of conservative groups. Critics accused him of pursuing partisan-driven inquiries without substantial evidence.
— Issa played a pivotal role in funding the recall effort against Governor Gray Davis, contributing over $1.6 million. Initially expected to run for governor himself, he withdrew when Arnold Schwarzenegger entered the race, leading to speculation about his motives.
— During the “Fast and Furious” investigation, Issa inadvertently exposed sensitive wiretap documents. This action was criticized as reckless and politically motivated, as opponents argued it compromised ongoing law enforcement operations.
— During his 2020 congressional campaign, Issa released an ad highlighting his opponent Carl DeMaio’s sexuality, leading to accusations of “gay-baiting,” according to Politico. Issa defended the ad, stating it was intended to inform voters about DeMaio’s positions.
— In February 2021, Issa and other Republican House members cited the COVID-19 pandemic as a reason for missing votes, while attending the Conservative Political Action Conference. This led to an ethics complaint alleging misuse of proxy voting.
— In 2018, Issa was implicated in the divorce proceedings of fellow Congressman Mike Turner, who, according to Politico, requested Issa’s deposition during his divorce from Majida Mourad, to whom Issa had been a longtime friend. Issa firmly denied any allegations of an affair, stating, “There is no truth whatsoever to these allegations.”

Issa perched atop his House Oversight Committee, where, as chairman, he wasted time and taxpayer dollars on a fake IRS scandal and Benghazi over-reaches./Facebook
Talk about Trump derangement syndrome, Issa sent a letter to Jorgen Watne Frydnes, Norwegian Nobel Committee chairman, saying:
“The reasons for my advocacy include both the traditional standard for those who have been recognized with this eminent award, as well as the astonishingly effective impact that our 47th President has had in only a few short months since his election: cooling tensions, establishing dialogue, and encouraging the flourishing of freedom in practically every corner of the world and on behalf of the cause of peace.”
As the Dana Carvey “Saturday Night Live” Church Lady says; well, isn’t that special.
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