Illegitimate carpetbagger Issa couldn’t have won the 50th Cong. District. We must re-vote.

Issa stands with Trump about alleged voter fraud. But what about Issa's new congressional district race. Was that election free and fairly held? Time to hold a re-vote so we know for sure./Facebook.

(Editor’s Note: After getting blowback from people who didn’t get it, let me explain this is complete satire aimed at showing Issa and other sedition party creeps that it’s oh so easy to turn their disingenuous lies and false arguments against them in the same way. Live by the lie and die by the lie.)

We believe we did not have a fair and legitimate election in California’s 50th Congressional District. How else could you explain the victory of a carpetbagger like Darrell Issa.

We need to object to the election and call for a re-vote. Who is with us?

“This is America. Election integrity comes first.”

— Darrell Issa on Facebook

Issa did not live in California’s hallowed, and traditionally disgraced, 50th Congressional District, when he filed as a carpetbagging alternative to confessed election finance fraud felon Duncan Hunter. Only after filing did rumors claim he bought a house in the House district.

Many people are questioning suspicious aspects in last November’s vote that narrowly put Issa in office. What about rumors of massive ballot harvesting by Issa supporters. Or illegitimate mail-in votes sent in by thousands of people from outside the district just like Issa?

We heard massive numbers of Issa supporters from outside the district showed up at 50th District precincts and fraudulently filed ballots, including many people voting in the place of dead people. Where were the poll watchers?

We’re not saying these rumors are true. Just that they must be checked out before we allow an outsider like Issa, who never gave a rat’s ass about our district previously, to represent us. He represented the 49th District for a decade in Congress. Who is to say he does not favor their interests over ours.

We need Issa to prove none of these allegations are true. We need him to address these important questions before we acknowledge his “election” is legitimate. All we’re saying is we need to determine the truth. Is that too much to ask?

Pure logic says no way on earth could a carpetbagging unAmerican career politician with no previous interest in the district like Issa win a free and fair election. There must have been voter fraud. Thousands of district non-residents like Issa must have flooded into our district and cast illegal votes. How else could he have won?

Has anyone checked the signatures on mail-in ballots to determine whether they were signed. We heard rumors that Issa, already well-known as a politician with questionable morals and ethics who couldn’t even be nominated by the Senate for a Trump post due to irregularities in his past behavior, was behind an effort to encourage people to vote for him through any means possible including mail-in ballots.

As Issa himself admits, mail-in ballots may be fraudulent. After all, after a mob of Trump supporters — a “president” Issa enthusiastically supports — stormed the Capital building on Wednesday, Jan. 6, Issa joined the Republican Sedition Caucus early Thursday, Jan. 7 voting against certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Let us rinse and repeat. For his first official vote, Issa joined fellow sedition caucus members in objecting to Arizona and Pennsylvania electors that was rejected overwhelmingly by the House and Senate.

While he couldn’t stop running his mouth on social media about the mob violence overwhelming Congress due, in no small part, to his mentor Trump and false statements about election fraud that helped cause the violence, Issa has refused to comment publicly as to why he voted to decertify November election results in other states.

“Rep. Darrell Issa, R-San Marcos, did not respond to a request for comment,” The Sacramento Bee said. “He was newly elected to Congress this year, after he retired a previous California House seat going into the 2018 election.”

Well, Issa isn’t actually from San Marcos, but he plays one on TV at the new Congress.

Issa’s only public comment on the subject that could be found was one he made on Facebook that could not be found today.

Posing with both himself and Trump holding thumbs up, Issa said, “President Trump — I stand with you, just as you have stood with me from 2016 until today. The fact poll watchers are not being allowed to adequately supervise certain recounts is completely unacceptable. This is America. Election integrity comes first.”

We agree. Election integrity comes first.

Was Issa’s election legitimate? Inquiring minds want to know.

Let’s do the right thing and hold a re-vote. Issa wanted one in Arizona and Pennsylvania. He should put his considerable amount of money where his his freely running mouth is and support a re-vote so we can have full confidence in our electoral process and a free and fair election.

Just saying…

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