50th Cong. Dist. candidates square off

(L-R) Ammar Campa-Najjar, Carl DeMaio, Darrell Issa, and Brian Jones debate issues Friday Feb. 7, 2020 at Valley Center/ABC 10 News San Diego screenshot

Presenting, for your “viewing pleasure,” the Fox 5 News recording of the Friday, Feb. 7, Valley Center debate among the top four candidates to replace the disgraced Duncan Hunter as representative of California’s 50th Congressional District.

Candidates include Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar who came within a few thousand votes in 2018 of beating Hunter in a district rated R+11 in party registration by Cook Political Report.

Campa-Najjar faces two carpetbaggers who do NOT live in the district. They include the notorious Darryl Issa, a longtime Vista resident who fled Congress in 2018 when his 49th Congressional District flipped from longtime red to blue. Also, carpetbagging is Carl DeMaio, a city of San Diego resident and failed candidate before who currently runs his mouth on a right-wing radio station. Also running is state Sen. Brian Jones, a rabid gun advocate with no other discernible issues.

The event, hosted by Valley Center Business Association, lasted about two hours and gave hundreds of residents the opportunity to hear candidates’ thoughts on healthcare, the environment and foreign policy, among other things, according to the San Diego Union Tribune.

Fox 5 News provided the video on Facebook.

Registration in the 50th Congressional District heavily favors Republicans, according to The Union Tribune. There are 161,184 registered registered Republicans compared to 115,581 registered Democrats calling the district home as of the start of February.

Vote-by-mail voters across San Diego County began receiving their ballots this week. Voters will also have the option to vote in-person at their designated polling place on March 3.

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