Harley and Hazel — A love story

To the late Charlie Sherman, a longtime Twin Oaks resident, the two geese among his front pond’s hundreds of birds were more than just beautiful creatures of nature. They were a love story. “Nine years ago a few Canada geese came over and landed on the pond,” said Sherman, a longtime local banker and loan officer. “They all went north again except one. I guess…

Dr. Robert Breedlove returns to Escondido

We are certainly NOT in Kansas anymore, Toto! I really wasn’t talking with that Wizard of Oz character recently, but rather my bride, Debbie, while we were stopped in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-15, northbound in our rental car. We were once again visiting huge San Diego County, near Escondido, California, a city we have regularly enjoyed since we permanently relocated from San Diego to Our…

Groundhog Day, what’s with those groundhogs anyway

According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow on February 2nd, there will be six more weeks of winter; if not, an early spring is predicted. This year no shadow. Of course groundhogs – also known as woodchucks – don’t emerge at this time just to be furry weather predictors. So what’s the real reason? Research into groundhog biology shows they have other priorities…