Bernie Sez: Get out there and vote for Joe

(This is a very special interview conducted by ace cub reporter Ayomi Wolff for Madison 365, a fellow member of the LION group of independent online news organizations and used by special permission granted by editor Rob Chappell. For more, madison365.org. Check it out!) With only one more day until the election, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), urges BIPOC people, especially young people, to get out and…

Carpetbagging Issa refers to coronavirus, wildfires as ‘moronic doomsday scenarios’

Got to hand it to the carpetbagging, shameless Darrell Issa, who self-quarantined himself from his 49th Congressional District home in 2018 due to voter revulsion. He says coronavirus is the result of a left-wing conspiracy. Actual fact, this is what Issa said in a fundraising letter district voters received this week: “I won’t ignore the true threats to our national security because of moronic doomsday…

Marie Waldron flunks ‘Courage Report Card’

Got to give it to Marie Waldron, Valley Center’s ode to abuse of mileage reimbursements in the California Legislature — for more on that, visit this link — but YOUR Republican representative for California’s 75th Assembly District managed this week to score a solid “F” for her 2019 “Courage Score” from The People’s Report Card of California. In fact, Waldron couldn’t have fared worse to standing…

Issa’s Trump trade job burned to the ground

When it comes to carpetbagger Darrell Issa, the California 50th Congressional District race is not a prime example of sloppy seconds, but of sloppy thirds. First, Issa was such a coward in 2018 that when he realized he might lose his California 49th Congressional District seat due to demographic and voter registration shifts along with Dotard Trump backlash, not to mention revulsion over his piss…

From the Escondido X-Files…

“he-it tried but i fought, with all my might. i was able to break what he-it was doing, because when i came to his shadow disappeared. ( i saw exactly what you looked like.) tall 8ft-skinny-define in nature.-muscular tone-black eyes.- the hands, three long fingers thumb index,middle. short pinky and other. big hands. beak like mouth.- giant alien head that we know about – no smell.-…

Duncan Hunter’s ONLY successful bill killed

Say what one will of the convicted legislative fraud that was Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville), but in his 10 years in office partying and scamming like there was no tomorrow, he managed to pass ONE — count ’em ONE — measure out of a committee during his time in “public service.” Yeah, it was “sarcastic,” Hunter said after his measure requiring women to register for the…

Hernandez Hideaway goes COVID-19 rogue

Ah, “historic” Hernandez Hideaway, Del Dios — on the shores of Lake Hodges — ode to risky business and no, the founder did NOT invent the margarita; got shut down this week. Blame it on COVID-19. along with the owner’s vile violation of San Diego County restaurant re-opening guidelines. Turns out social distancing and sanitation procedures at the fabled headquarters of the Hodgee Monster Appreciation…

Tough row to hoe for COVID-19 farm relief

Farmers who grow San Diego County’s most valuable crops may miss out on federal cash for coronavirus-related losses because some of their agriculture products — primarily flowers, nursery plants and exotic fruits — are not included in the relief program. The growers are pushing to get their specialty crops added to the government’s eligible list, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture appears willing to hear…

Ask CSUSM: DACA and the Supreme Court

Last Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration cannot execute its plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which was instituted in 2012 to protect eligible undocumented people from deportation and grant work authorizations for two-year periods. As a result of the 5-4 decision, almost 700,000 young people, known as “Dreamers,” can remain in the United States and…