Grower donates plants to first responders

Olive Hills Greenhouses donated thousands of plants to first responders this week/Courtesy

Olive Hill Greenhouses, which farms in Fallbrook, is continuing a long history of supporting local organizations by donating thousands of plants to first responders and those on the front line of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

The multi-generation family-owned company decided to team up with one of its customers in Southern California — Plantscapers Inc. in Irvine and Palm Desert, CA — to provide beautiful flowering plants to brighten the days of so many on the front lines of combatting the health impacts of COVID-19 in Southern California communities. According to the company, its donation of thousands of Bromeliads have been a real hit and bright spot in the recipient’s day.

“We can see how much this pandemic is affecting our neighbors and our state, and we want to help as much as we can,” said Denise Godfrey of Olive Hill Greenhouses. “While we know that first responders are incredibly absorbed in this crisis and caring for people, it’s just as important for us to take care of our community members struggling emotionally at this time, as well as help really brighten the days those on the front lines fighting this outbreak.”

The pandemic donation is an extension of ongoing outreach. Olive Hill Greenhouses, its customers, and members of the National Interiorscapers Network have donated tens of thousands of plants to charitable organizations, non-profits and healthcare facilities throughout the region, state and nation. “Plants are life giving and are a welcomed gift regardless of the circumstances, but especially in uncertain times, plants help create a healthy environment and positive outlook,” said Godfrey.

Giving back is not something new for Olive Hill Greenhouses. The company has a long history of spreading joy through plants to dozens of organizations, including Boys & Girls Club, Special Olympics, San Diego Botanic Garden, Del Mar Fair, Think Red Project (Red Dress), and many more.

Plants and greenery are often touted for their mental health benefits, and studies over the years show that access to plant life can help to reduce stress and symptoms of depression, all while helping to improve mood and concentration. According to a case study survey, 88 percent of respondents said having direct views and access to the natural elements indoors improved their sense of well-being.

“During these uncertain times, it is extremely comforting to me to be surrounded by fresh indoor plants,” said Julie Davis Farrow, CEO and founder of Plantscapers. “They keep me happy, motivated, and make me smile daily.”

Donations are going to hospitals, first responders and nonprofits across the region, including Newport Beach Police Department, Kaiser Permanente, and other local nonprofits. Today, Olive Hill Greenhouses is planning on shipping over 1,000 additional plants through their partner Plantscapers.

“We’re incredibly proud of Olive Hill Greenhouses, Plantscapers and so many other family-owned farms, for not only continuing donations as retail demand increases for Mother’s Day, but also donating other much-needed goods to keep essential workers in our community safe,” said Mike Senneff, NIN member, founder and CEO of Natura. “Interior plants are essential to supporting a healthy and balanced life, and especially important in times of crisis, where budgets for certain food items and plants can decrease. Our farms want to make sure that we’re extending that access to as many people in our community as possible.”

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