How dumb is Duncan Hunter? Don’t ask.

Wall, what stinking wall as shown by Duncan Hunter in hs groundbreaking approach to fake news/Facebook

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville) pretended to cross the Mexico border, and in the process got called out by his Democratic challenger, Ammar Campa-Najjar.

Najjar said that if Hunter actually were crossing the border, it would violate his parole while awaiting federal trial for allegedly spending at least $250,000 of campaign funds on personal expenses.

“The congressman and his wife, who at times also served as his campaign treasurer, were indicted by a federal grand jury in August 2018 and pleaded not guilty to the charges at an arraignment days later. They were released on $15,000 bond. He will face trial later this year,” a report from Roll Call said. Adding that his bond “forbids him from traveling outside the continental United States.”

“It looks pretty tough to cross. Let me see if I can do it,” Hunter said in a video posted on Twitter, promoting his defense for a border wall.

“In another shot behind the vehicle barrier, Hunter says, ‘This is why we need a wall. This is why Trump is right. This is what we need to get rid of and expand upon to secure this country,’” the report said.

Campa-Najjar said that Hunter was pulling a political stunt. “Either way, why isn’t he in the district during recess like everyone else?” he said.

“What [Hunter] crossed was a vehicle barrier,” Border Patrol spokesman Vincent Dulesky said. “That is approximately 75-100 feet from the border — the border is actually the river that’s west of that.”

“Can Hunter’s spokesperson please show Hunter a map? He was the one who falsely advertised he was 15 meters from Mexico. He also needs to be shown the Colorado River, which is a secondary barrier he’d need to cross to actually get to Mexico,” Campa-Najjar said.

GOP’s Duncan Hunter gets called out as his fake ‘crossing the border’ stunt hilariously backfires

This is what happens when you’ve been stripped from all your committees & have too much time on your hands.

Hunter‘s power has been revoked by his own party, leaving #CA50 with no voice.

Leaders like @SpeakerRyan, the people who know him the most, trust him the least.

— Ammar Campa-Najjar (@ACampaNajjar) April 19, 2019

Another take from

“Vaping Congressman Duncan Hunter caught in good during border wall video”

It might be time to officially excommunicate California’s Rep. Duncan Hunter from the cool kids’ table of the vaping community, at least temporarily.  Love him or hate him, his recent antics on Facebook are attracting a lot of attention, and not all of it is good.

Once fondly referred to as The Vaping Congressman, Duncan Hunter drew vapers’ respect in early 2016 when he pulled out his trusty vape mod and blew clouds during a congressional hearing.  The topic of debate was whether the airlines should ban vaping on airplanes.  Hunter thought the notion was silly and said so openly – complete with viral vaping video imagery to drive his point home further.

Shortly thereafter, and completely unrelated, allegations began surfacing that Hunter and his family were using campaign funds illegally.  Monies were allegedly spent on expensive family vacations, thousands of dollars in online video games for his children, and family dentist appointments, among other things.

Hunter was eventually indicted, and when questioned by the media about the allegations, he placed the blame for the political scandal squarely on his wife.  Maybe not a marriage made in heaven, but okay.  The charges are still pending, and Mr. or Mrs. Hunter (or both) could still potentially end up in jail at some point.

Duncan Hunter can’t catch a break

All of this came to light during the Midterms elections last year, yet Duncan Hunter somehow won re-election.  Then last Thursday, Hunter found himself in political hot water once again.  He released a questionable Facebook video about illegal crossings at the southern border that is attracting national attention, but for all the wrong reasons.

To be clear, the current political debate over “The Wall” is not really the issue here.  The issue is the video itself, and it’s attracting both laughs and backlash on social and mainstream media alike – regardless of personal political proclivities.

On April 18, a Facebook video appears on the congressman’s feed depicting California’s representative for the 50th District hopping over a “grand border wall in Yuma, Arizona.”  But the “wall” is not really a wall at all, which is kind of Mr. Hunter’s point.

The structure appears to be a short, metal, post-and-beam barrier closely resembling those found along highways that prevent automobile drivers from veering off cliffs, bridges, and other potentially deadly geographical threats.   In the video, Hunter complains that “this is what we expect to stop transnational terrorists, families, all illegal aliens from coming across the border.”

As Rep. Hunter proceeds to hike over the barrier with relative ease, he then states, “There we go..That’s how easy it is to cross the border here in Yuma, AZ.”

Okay.  So far, so good.  We get it.  Duncan Hunter supports the president’s border wall.  No problem.

Unfortunately, within hours of the video’s posting that the specific location of Hunter’s video is not, in fact, the Yuma, Arizona/Mexico border at all.  And if it were, the esteemed congressman could be in violation of his parole for traveling outside of the country without permission.   The actual border is about 100-feet away, and it’s called the Colorado River.  Yikes!

For more

  1. Rep. Duncan Hunter climbs over ‘border’ fence, doesn’t reach Mexico  New York Post
  2. GOP congressman climbs ‘border’ wall, doesn’t actually make it to Mexico  NBC News
  3. GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter accused of violating ‘parole’ after pretending to cross US-Mexico border | TheHill  The Hill
  4. Rep. Duncan Hunter posts video climbing over fake ‘border wall,’ opponent claims he violated bail agreement  CNN
  5. View full coverage on Google News

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