Hunter losing it with one week to go

Sign of the times as Duncan Hunter's 32-point June lead vanished to zero over Campa-Najjar with one week to go in Election 2018/Facebook

Ammar Campa-Najjar is now in a dead heat with federally indicted grifter Duncan Duane Hunter Jr. in the race for California’s 50th Congressional District.

Hunter won the June 6 primary by 32 percentage points. A poll released Tuesday showed Hunter and Campa-Najjar statistically tied. Furthermore, in a district where Republicans typically far outperform Democrats in early voting, Hunter held a mere 49-48 percent lead in voters who had returned ballots as of Tuesday, Oct. 30.

Campa-Najjar’s red-hot campaign coupled with Hunter’s descent for campaign fraud indictments and racist advertising called out universally across the nation, have turned a district where Republicans outnumber Democrats 2-1 in party registration into a statistical dead heat.

Even as Duncan Hunter snatched defeat from the jaws of victory this week with plummeting poll numbers and universally denounced racist online ads, he was losing it personally as well.

Any doubts of the federally indicted grifter’s fitness for office flew out the shrinking window of the final week’s campaigning as momentum and California 50th Congressional district voters swung to his opponent and Hunter was reduced to stealth events by invitation only with a few remaining diehards.

A SurveyUSA poll released on Tuesday and conducted for KGTV-TV in San Diego and the Union Tribune newspaper showed Hunter with 48 percent support to Campa-Najjar’s 45 percent.

In other words, Hunter’s federally indicted grift — most of his campaign funds have gone to criminal defense attorneys, not TV ads — coupled with his 10-year “record” of lack of achievement, racism, and incompetence has turned the contest in a congressional district never won by a Democrat into a horse race. Judging from additional data breakdowns by Survey USA, Hunter’s horse may be headed to the glue factory prior to federal prison.

SurveyUSA findings included:

* Of those voting Republican, 55% say they are voting “for Hunter”; 39% are voting “against Campa-Najjar.”
* Of those voting Republican, 54% say they do so “enthusiastically”; 42% do so “with reservations.”
* Of those voting Democrat, 55% say they are voting “for Campa-Najjar”; 43% are voting “against Hunter.”
* Of those voting Democrat, 80% say they do so “enthusiastically”; just 16% do so “with reservations.”

* Just 26% of voters have a favorable opinion of Hunter, compared with 49% who have an unfavorable opinion.
* 37% have a favorable opinion of Campa-Najjar, compared to 32% who have an unfavorable opinion.

* 53% of likely voters say that based on what they know so far, Hunter broke the law.
* Just 19% of likely voters say that based on what they know so far, Hunter did not break the law.
* Just 24% of voters find Hunter’s explanation, that his wife is to blame, believable.
* 57% of voters say Hunter’s claim that his wife is responsible for all wrongdoing is unbelievable.

(SurveyUSA interviewed 800 adults from CA-50 10/25/18 through 10/29/18. Of the adults, 712 are registered to vote. Of the registered voters, 547 were determined by SurveyUSA to have already returned a ballot or to be certain to do so before the 11/06/18 deadline.)

Campa-Najjar gets Ben & Jerry’s flavor, Hunter simply eats it

Hunter and his wife were indicted on 60 charges they used $250,000 in campaign funds for personal use, and things got interesting, according to the USA Today editorial board that named Hunter’s racist online ad slamming Campa-Najjar, one of the five worst midterm political ads. “Hunter has been running ads linking Campa-Najjar to all manner of sinister terrorist plots, including trying to “infiltrate” Congress — by getting elected through the democratic process,” USA Today said.

Meantime, Hunter went underground only appearing at invitation-only events. Campa-Najjar held numerous public events including this one Sunday during which Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream dished out a new flavor named in honor of Campa-Najjar. A video shot by Ben Martinez of the event follows…

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