Add ‘Russian traitor’ to Hunter’s legacy

Taking back the 50th Congressional District from the Duncan Hunter criminal clique; 'This is what democracy looks like.'/Carolyn Warner McGraw

Aside from continuing to spend — illegally — campaign funds on personal expenses like donor trips to Las Vegas, add being a Russian stooge to the dubious legacy of Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-50th District).

In a column posted on his congressional website, Hunter, who has repeatedly ducked another town hall following his disastrous Ramona affair in March, has put forth a hearty defense of his good buddy Donald Trump’s Russian adventurism.

And in another of his many Fox News appearances, the congressman who spends more time with alt-right media than he does fighting for his own constituents also attacked former FBI Director James Comey, the man Trump fired in order to stop his investigation into collusion between Trump and his campaign with numerous Russian officials.

That’s not all for the apparently indefatigable in defense of unAmerican values congressman from bunny fairyland. Hunter today spent some time, and political capital, defending the actions of body-slamming Montana Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte.

With all that loose public talk from one of America’s most loquacious defenders of using campaign funds donated by defense contractors for personal expenses, it seems there is only one group of people Hunter won’t talk to — his own constituents. Michael Harrison, his El Cajon mouthpiece, said this week Hunter wouldn’t hold another town hall meeting.

Sorry folks, treason and grifting apparently are full-time jobs.

Back in the USSR

Duncan Hunter under fire, defends Trump’s Russian collusion.

One would imagine Hunter wouldn’t want to go anywhere near the issue of Russian collusion on behalf of Trump, considering his own very pressing problems like that FBI criminal investigation into his bunny ride of corruption.

One would be wrong.

In a posting on his website titled “Let President Trump try to work with Russia,” Hunter opined thusly: “President Trump is under assault for his posture toward Russia and Vladimir Putin. This is true even as American presidents are fully within their prerogative to establish working relationships with world leaders, and President Trump most certainly deserves the same opportunity.”

Our congressman from Vladivostok added: “President Trump is acting as any president would, but his administration faces new challenges with Russia. Russia is fighting the Islamic State in Syria while also factoring into the debate on North Korea and Iran. All the while, Putin makes no apology for defending Russia’s interests. Neither does President Trump when it comes to our own. This was underscored by the missile strike in Syria that occurred without Putin’s knowledge or consent.”

In fact, check, as reported by The Hill, the US did give Putin’s Russia advanced warning of the meaningless public relations strike that didn’t even affect Syrian military capabilities, and the strike was useful to Putin’s Russia as a faux way to deflect the overwhelming narrative of Russian interference in the 2016 election and continue attempted interference in US political life.

“Now a recent meeting in the Oval Office with a Russian diplomat is inciting new fears,” Hunter continued, “even though it in no way shifted the U.S.-Russia relationship — just as Presidents Bush or Obama were unable to influence Russia through their own diplomatic endeavors.

“If anything, President Trump is demonstrating a willingness to work with Russia but only to a point,” Hunter said. “A more accurate presumption should be that President Trump might not care too much what Putin thinks when it comes to putting America first.”

Too bad Hunter’s narrative, like most of his half-baked statements and delusional tales, doesn’t coincide with reality

In January, Trump said, “If Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions.” And in February, CBS News said, “The Treasury Department published a license that authorizes certain transactions between U.S. companies and the FSB, Russia’s security service and for the importation, distribution or use of “certain information technology products in the Russian Federation.”

The right-wing Washington Examiner, today, May 25, said, “President Trump is looking at’ changes to U.S. sanctions on Russia, according to National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn. He made the comment to reporters Thursday while on Air Force One en route to a meeting of the G-7 nations in Sicily.”

Not to mention, as has been widely reported, Trump’s infamous Oval Office meeting earlier in May with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, during which he disclosed highly classified information about a planned Islamic State operation.

Comey, come again, and reporter body-slamming

As for Comey, Hunter was running his mouth today to Fox News Insider, speaking to host Melissa Francis on “America’s News HQ.”

“Just because President Trump told the director of the FBI that he hopes that he can find a way to clear his national security adviser,” Hunter said, “that is not impeachable, in my opinion. It’s not obstruction of justice. Until more actual facts come out on this, I give Trump the benefit of the doubt here. Totally.”

As for Hunter’s defense of the body-slamming Montana Republican Gianforte, “It’s not appropriate behavior,” the Alpine purloiner said, “Unless the reporter deserved it.”

In conclusion

It’s a bad time for California’s 50th Congressional District bad boy. Not only is he under criminal investigation by the FBI for campaign finance violations, the same ones that sent Chicago’s Jesse Jackson and his wife to prison, but now his once-safe red district is slipping from his crooked hands.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recently added Hunter’s San Diego congressional district to its list of 2018 targets.

As Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokeswoman Meredith Kelly put it: “House Republicans started the 2018 cycle in a defensive crouch as part of the President’s party in his first midterm. But what has transpired since is much more disturbing and damaging. Through self-inflicted wounds, chaos, ethical issues and a trail of betrayals and broken promises to voters, House Republicans and President Trump have made their long 2018 slog even more difficult.”

Time to root out the crooks and traitors. That means time to send Hunter back to his bunny hutch and restore honest American values to the fighting 50th Congressional District.

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