Issa, Hunter protests getting bigger, better (Updated-Video Thursday)

Issa constituents lines streets outside his office asking for an in-peront town hall meeting.

A third week of protests centering around Republican Representatives Darryl Issa (49th District) and Duncan Hunter (50th District) along with various causes swelled Tuesday to over 700 people at four locations, organizers said.

Protests at Issa’s home-town Vista office attracted twice as many participants compared to the previous Tuesday with nearly 300 people lining the streets of an industrial area with massive displays of signs and boisterous behavior.

Central to the Vista effort was a continued refusal by Issa to hold an in-person town hall. Protestors also derided Issa’s repackaging of his 5-year old proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act, known as popularly as Obamacare. Issa this week went on the air with paid TV commercials touting the plan that has been called incomplete and undo-able by health care experts.

“The boisterous crowd demanded to know whether Issa would attend the town hall or continue to hide from his constituents,” said Tahra Ludwig, an  Indivisible San Diego spokeswoman. “Issa’s District Director, Bill Christiansen, claimed he did not know the Congressman’s schedule during District Week, which starts this Friday.”

Meanwhile, over at Hunter’s El Cajon office/Lori Greiner

Meanwhile, Hunter’s crowds did double duty descending on the congressman’s El Cajon and Temecula offices. About 80 constituents demanded to know details of a Republican alterbnitve to Obamacare, and held up signs saying “Do Your Job, Hold A Town Hall”, “Country Before Party” and “Duncan is Flunking,” according to Ludwig.

Deputy director of Hunter’s office, Michael Harrison met with a small group and refused to commit to an in-person town hall meeting. He did not address the numerous charges of spending campaign funds for personal expenses for which Hubter is under investigation  by the federal Election Commission and Office of Congressional Ethics.

Temecula’s journey into Hunter world attracted 60 protestors. They also addressed concerns about the elimination of Obamacare without any plans for health care as well Hinter’s stance of opposing federal aid to his own district due to it being an ICE-identified sanctuary area for immigrants.

And in a holiday twist, “Protesters delivered more than 50 valentines with lollipops to Rep. Hunter, with notes requesting he meet with voters,” Ludwig said,

Protests at Hunter’s Temecula office Tuesday/Mary Ames

A Downtown San Diego events attracted 250 people to City Hall to support a Tuesday San Diego City Council measure authorizing a filing as a friend of the court opposing Trump’s Muslim ban.

“We need all our elected officials not only to resist the Trump attacks on immigrants and refugees, but to stand up and lead in this fight for our common values,” San Diego Indivisible organizer Kathy Stadler said.

CBS News 8 – San Diego, CA News Station – KFMB Channel 8

After City Hall, about 100 demonstrators went to the downtown offices of Sen. Kamala Haris and Sen. Diane Feinstein where several shared personal stories of the impact of immigration laws on themselves and their families.

Officially designated  “Resist Trump Tuesday,” Indivisible San Diego organizers said they planned on continuing the weekly protests, and hoped to expand numbers and activities.

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